Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why Deadlifts Are the Best Exercise For Weight Loss

Losing weight can often feel like a full-time job. You have to eat (mostly) healthy and also make sure you’re getting a healthy mix of strength training and cardio. But there are a few shortcuts you can take, which come down to picking the right kinds of exercise to maximize your efforts. Why do a bicep curl when you can work even more of the body by doing a squat with overhead press? And if you only have time to fit in one move today, don’t you want it to be THE move? When it comes to toning up, encouraging weight loss, and working your entire body in one swoop, few moves can beat a deadlift, trainer Holly Rillinger told POPSUGAR. And Holly should know, besides being a Nike Master Trainer and Flywheel Sports Master Trainer, she also used to play professional basketball.

“It’s such a great move because it uses the biggest muscles in your body: your legs – [and] the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism,” said Holly. “Anytime we use our hips, our body releases testosterone and growth hormones, which can be scary words for women, but all you have to think of is ‘lean’ when you hear those words. So being able to work your hips and your lower body in one movement really ends up challenging your core and your shoulders so it turns this one move into this total full-body workout.”

Single moves that do so much are a rarity, so incorporating deadlifts into your routine means you can sculpt the upper and lower body simultaneously, freeing up more time for you to get on with other things in your life. Just keep in mind that while a deadlift may look simple, it’s not. Doing the move incorrectly could result in you not getting the full benefit of the exercise, or worse, injury. Holly, who is also a spokesperson for BIC Soleil Shine, attributes the difficulty of the move to the fact that “there’s so much going on” when you perform the exercise, and given that it’s such a powerhouse, it makes total sense. “I think it’s totally worth having a trainer look at you when you start deadlifting or at least film yourself to make sure you’re doing it correctly,” she said.

Ready to get started?

  • Stand holding dumbbells in each hand, arms at your sides, with your knees slightly bent. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can also use a weighted bar.
  • Keeping your arms…

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The 5 Things You Need to Stop Believing About Lifting Heavy Weights

When you take a look around the weight room, men almost always take up the space. We’ve been conditioned to believe that guys like to pump weights while women go for a run or do yoga. This is a dangerous stereotype to believe; there are some serious benefits to be earned from lifting weights on the regular, especially if you’re a woman. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or grow some lean muscle, it’s time to get friendly with that barbell. Let’s start by debunking some common myths.

Myth 1: Weightlifting Makes You Bulk Up

“Most women don’t have enough testosterone production in their body to put on huge muscle gains and ‘get big,'” explained Lauren Clare, personal trainer and certified holistic health coach. That’s because women have way less testosterone in their systems than men do (20 times less, to be exact), and testosterone is one of the primary hormones that promotes muscle growth. So when you see those big, bulky guys at the gym, don’t panic, because it’s not physically possible for you to turn into the Hulk from a strength-training routine.

Similarly, Clare discourages us from believing the photos you might see in bodybuilding magazines. The buff women you are seeing are taking supplements and training extremely hard, she told POPSUGAR. You won’t end up anything like that, even if you lift weights several times a week.

Myth 2: Weightlifting Doesn’t Burn Fat Like Cardio Does

If you’re only running on the treadmill or hitting the StairMaster, you’re not giving your body the tools it needs to burn fat efficiently. The secret to losing weight is gaining lean muscle mass, because this will spike your metabolism throughout the day and help your body burn excess fat. However, sticking to a cardio-only fitness program won’t give you the chance to build that necessary muscle, which is why weightlifting is so crucial to overall weight loss.

“When women start strength training for the first time, they usually turn their fat into lean muscle and their body changes in overall composition in a positive way,” Clare confirmed. “They become leaner, burn more calories, and most importantly feel much stronger.”

Myth 3: It Won’t Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Experts say that a rigorous weightlifting program can be just as much of an aerobic workout as a session on the elliptical machine. Weightlifting also keeps…

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The 1 Cardio Move That Will Torch Serious Calories and Tone Your Whole Body

I don’t do CrossFit anymore, but I did spend nearly two years of my life going to the box religiously and busting my ass in every WOD (workout of the day). I learned a lot during my CrossFit years, and one of the exercises I still incorporate into my workouts today is the double under.

If you’ve never heard of double unders before, your cardio routine is about to be transformed. It’s a jump rope movement in which you swing the rope under your feet not once but twice with each jump. It’s pretty damn hard – and it will get your heart rate up within seconds.

I’ve done my fair share of jump rope workouts, but to be honest, none of them compare to a workout that includes double unders. Not only are you jumping quickly and strengthening your legs, but your arms are also working double time, so you’d be surprised at how sore – and, soon enough, toned – your shoulders and upper arms get.

Let’s be real, though. It takes a bit of time to master the double under, and you can’t get there without a good amount of practice. But the good news is, simply practicing double unders is a hell of a workout, because you’re using your entire body from head to toe. Even your abs get switched on because you’re bracing yourself every time you jump.

If you want to get good at double unders, here are a few tips I wish someone had told me before I got started:

  • Invest in a good jump rope, like this RPM speed rope ($53); the cable is much lighter and easier to move.
  • Let your wrists do most of the rotation so your arms don’t tire out so quickly.
  • Practice regular jump rope skips with one double under tossed in every now and then until you get used to the movement; try four single skips, followed by one double under, and gradually decrease the number of single skips as you progress.
  • Practice plyometric jumps, like squat jumps and high-knee skips, without the rope to develop the strength and endurance in your lower body needed to do multiple double unders.

Whatever you do, stay patient. Even if you’re not nailing 20 double unders in a row, you’re still getting a killer workout. Trust me, the beads of sweat will start to form pretty quickly. Once you’ve got your double unders down, try the CrossFit WOD called Annie. It consists of nothing more than double unders…

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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

This Trainer Totally Gave Up Cardio and Built Her Butt With These Exercises

Two years ago, Madalin Giorgetta embarked on the ultimate booty gains journey. She went from doing cardio all the time to investing all of her time in strength training, and her hard work has clearly paid off. Maddy is a personal trainer in Australia who has more than 435,000 followers on Instagram; she also creates easy-to-follow gym guides for any woman who wants to get acquainted with the weight room. So she knows a thing or two about what it takes to grow your glutes and strengthen your entire lower body.

POPSUGAR spoke to Maddy about her day-to-day routine in the gym, and she shared that she trains her lower body three times a week. As for cardio? “I don’t do any forced cardio (HIIT or LISS), but instead walk my adorable but very badly behaved dog Mimi every day.” You heard that right. You’ll never find Maddy on a treadmill. So what does she do? Here’s a rundown of what her workouts look like.

Leg Day

For Maddy, Monday is leg day, and she spends that time working on “building my strength up” by sticking to proper technique and form. Her favorite exercises are “Romanian deadlifts, split squats, and the leg press machine.” These basic exercises help you strengthen the muscles in your legs and booty, and they’re a must-do if your goal is booty gains.

Booty Day

“My favorite day of the week is booty day!” Maddy said. “I also feel such a great burn when doing my workouts.” This is her preferred superset:

  • Resistance band glute bridges with dumbbell, three sets of 25 reps
  • Resistance single leg hip thrusts, three sets of 12 reps on each leg

Maddy says, “You don’t need to move off the floor and you can do it at home,” which makes this a convenient workout for just about anyone. If you’ve never done these before, she recommends using a 30-pound dumbbell for the first exercise.

Strength Day

She admits she’s “a bit obsessed with growing my lower body,” so Maddy’s strength days are all about the legs and butt! “Strength days are when you work with a five rep range,” she explained. “At the beginning, you’ll notice your strength increases like crazy. I started at 65 pound hip thrusts and now manage 245 pounds easy.” Her go-to moves are deadlifts, squats, and hip thrusts.

Even though Maddy is a trainer herself, she still works…

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Alyssa's 135-Pound Weight Loss Proves Hard Work Pays Off – and You Can Still Eat Fries!

Alyssa Figaro‘s weight-loss journey has been anything but easy, but after losing 135 pounds in just three years, she confirmed that every step of the way was 100 percent worth it.

Growing up as “the overweight child” with parents who were heavily involved in the fitness industry, Alyssa “felt like a disappointment” throughout her childhood. “I wanted to make them proud and lose weight. I made many attempts, but failed more times than I can count, to be honest,” she told POPSUGAR. Back in Oct. 2014, at 285 pounds, Alyssa attended a party, where she felt “extremely uncomfortable” the entire time due to her weight and appearance. “I felt like an outsider, constantly comparing myself to the other girls; they were skinny, pretty, and fit. Shame set in and I left,” she recalled.

The very next day, “something clicked,” and Alyssa realized she couldn’t continue the cycle of self-loathing. So she went to the gym where her mother worked and was set up with a personal trainer who kick-started her remarkable weight-loss journey. Before hiring a personal trainer, Alyssa admitted to being “so self-conscious” at the gym, especially when it came to working out alone. “I felt like I had no clue what I was doing, but eventually realized everyone is there for the same reason: to work on themselves. Honestly, hire a professional trainer if you have no idea what you are doing,” she advised.

“I really focused on eating whole, natural foods and found this to be crucial to my success and results.”

In the early stages, Alyssa was hitting the gym at least five days each week, either working out with her trainer or on her own after building up some confidence. “We incorporated a significant amount of strength training into my routine, which complemented my daily cardio,” she told us. As for her daily food intake, Alyssa never adhered to a specific diet plan, but rather simply “focused on eating whole, natural foods and found this to be crucial to [her] success and results.” Though she tried counting calories for about a month, she ultimately realized it wasn’t exactly her cup of tea and rather relied on becoming more aware of how her body reacted to certain foods and the amount she was eating.

After a year and a half of sticking to this new workout and diet regimen, Alyssa dropped a whopping 105 pounds and unfortunately had to confront an entirely different struggle: excess skin. “Although I was…

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This Is the Number 1 Reason So Many People Hate to Exercise

Every week, it seems, there’s a new study or article addressing how much exercise we need to stay healthy. Some studies bear good news: Just 30 minutes three times per week! Other studies are more damning: an hour a day if you want real results. Perhaps the most common publications are the ones trying to reinvent the mousetrap of physical exercise, hoping to offer a shortcut or a “new and improved” program that will make the workout more appealing or the commitment more manageable.

But they’re all missing the point.

If all the research agrees that physical exercise is important for our well-being, and human nature has taught us that we’ll probably find an excuse to avoid doing something we don’t really want to do, wouldn’t a more valuable question be, how can we find an exercise program that we actually enjoy?

Whether it’s 30 minute bursts or multihour Saturday sessions, in a dark studio or under an open sky, breathless and high-intensity or gentle and graceful, what I’ve learned from all my years of sweating is that the best way to do it is however you actually want to do it.

Whenever someone asks me what type of workout they should do, whether they’re hoping to lose weight, get toned, or prep for an upcoming event, my answer is always the same: Well, what do you want to do? I always, always start with desire.

I’ve started so many workout programs that I absolutely hated. I’m a sucker for research, though, so when I heard that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) was the latest and greatest way to do cardio, I vowed to make treadmill sprints a part of my weekly routine. Never mind the fact that I hate the treadmill. When hip-hop classes popped up everywhere, promising to sneak an hour-long workout into what felt like a party, I tried those, too. Never mind that I have absolutely no rhythm.

And guess how long I stuck with those programs? Not long. It’s not the fault of the research – they’re effective workouts in their own right for anyone who keeps showing up. It’s my own fault for thinking I could force myself to do something that I just wasn’t that interested in.

It took me a while, but once I realized the value of desire, my whole relationship with exercise changed. Instead of feeling like a chore, it became a choice. Instead of a means to an end, it became an event in itself.

I started by committing to be active in some way – any way – most days of the week….

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To Maximize Fat Loss and Muscle Gains, Follow the 10 Commandments of Weightlifting

You have your sights set on booty gains! Or a six-pack. Or chiseled arms of steel. You’ve heard so much about how weightlifting is a must, and you’re finally ready (although a little nervous) to get your hands on a barbell. If this sounds familiar, follow these 10 rules to make weightlifting fun, burn the most fat, reap muscle gains faster, and prevent getting hurt.

1. Thou Shalt Use Proper Form

Whether you work with a personal trainer or take a class, proper form is the absolute most important thing when lifting weights. Proper form ensures that you’re not only doing the moves correctly to get the most out of them, but also lifting the most amount of weight you can, which will make you stronger, faster. Proper form will also prevent injuries that could sideline you from the gym. Whether exercises are old or new, have someone critique your form, perform in front of a mirror, or take a video so you can check form for yourself.

2. Thou Shalt Commit to Three Times a Week

Three times a week is the minimum amount of days you should strength train if you’re focusing on total-body moves during those sessions. If you like working one part of the body at a time, fitness instructor John Kersbergen says to aim for three to five sessions per week. The same with running, cycling, or dancing – the more you do it, the better you’ll get at it.

3. Thou Shalt Work All Parts of the Body

Maybe you’re all about growing your booty, but that doesn’t mean you should forget about your arms! Or your back, or your abs, or your legs. Your sessions should address all parts of your body. Lucky for you, moves like thrusters, deadlifts, and overhead squats work multiple parts of the body, so they’re great to do if you’re short on time.

4. Thou Shalt Use a Variety of Equipment

Barbells are essential for lifting heavy and doing basic, effective moves like squats and deadlifts, but they’re not the only piece of equipment in the weightlifting sea. Explore using dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, and machines if you have access to them. You can also use other types of equipment, like pull-up bars and rings, for moves that involve your own bodyweight. Or use weights in conjunction with a box or resistance bands for a double whammy.

5. Thou Shalt Perform a Variety of Exercises

The basic squat may be the perfect, basic move to…

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The 1 Booty Exercise Everyone in Hollywood Is Doing – and How to Do It

There are all kinds of lower body exercises out there that will tone and shape your legs and butt. But there’s one movement in particular that could easily be named the Queen of Booty Gains – the Bulgarian split squat.

When Emma Stone tacked on 15 pounds of pure muscle for her role as tennis champion Billie Jean King in Battle of the Sexes, her trainer Jason Walsh had her doing all kinds of heavy lifting. And judging by her physical transformation, he’s the guy to listen to when it comes to booty gains. He told POPSUGAR that Bulgarian split squats and hip thrusts were the two best exercises to do in order to build your booty.

Similarly, Alison Brie, star of original Netflix series GLOW, also trained with Jason, and she said she gave up cardio to adopt weight training instead. She specifically cited the Bulgarian split squat as one of the primary moves that helped her shape up and get superstrong. You can even see her doing the movement on her Instagram.

A post shared by Alison Brie (@officialalibrie) on Sep 14, 2017 at 2:56pm PDT

Even Jasmine Tookes, a Victoria’s Secret Angel who is known to be a fitness lover, swears by the Bulgarian split squat.

So why is this move so worthy of our time? Jason says it activates your glutes more than any other squat variation, and it allows you to really target your booty. And you can do it all without putting unnecessary pressure on your knees! Why not try it for yourself?

If you’re new to Bulgarian split squats, here’s a a crash course:

  • Begin by placing the toes of your right foot on a bench, box, stair or chair, with your left leg straight.
  • Make sure your left foot is out far enough so that when you lower your hips, your knee stays directly over your ankle.
  • Bend your left knee, squeeze your right glute, and lower your pelvis toward the ground.
  • Press your left heel into the ground to straighten your left knee. This completes one rep.
  • Do 15 reps before switching legs.

One of the most important things to remember is that the platform on which your back foot rests shouldn’t be too high. It only needs to be about 12 inches tall, because anything higher than that will restrict your range of motion,…

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This 30-Minute Treadmill Workout Was Designed to Blast Away Belly Fat

If you’ve been feeling bored or disinterested in your cardio workouts lately, we’ve got just the remedy for you. Michael Olzinski, MSc, Purplepatch endurance coach and Equinox run coach, designed a 30-minute treadmill session for POPSUGAR that will have you sweating buckets in no time. This is an especially good run for someone who wants to see significant improvements in their strength and endurance – and it’s the perfect interval workout to help you get rid of unwanted belly fat.

“Sometimes we need to have a workout that we have a hard time completing all the way through, and then we measure progress by our ability to get closer and closer to that finish line,” Mike told POPSUGAR. Scared yet? Don’t be! This run is totally customizable to fit your fitness level and goals.

Mike says this workout starts out “simple and comfortable,” and if you feel like it’s too easy early on, that’s a good thing. “We really want to give you a chance to get your running form together, to feel good, to have some nice short intervals with long recovery,” he explained. “Then every interval will grow by 10 seconds, and at the same time the recovery will shorten by 10 seconds.” This is where it starts to get tough, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.

The Workout

“This workout is a very active session as far as changing speeds, but if you just pay attention and stick with your paces, it will fly by and you will get a great bang for your buck,” Mike explained. There are three speeds you’ll be working with, as described by Mike.

  • Moderate: “This should be a pace that you could run comfortably for a solid 30 to 40 minutes without too much cardiovascular stress. Don’t be too aggressive here; it’s better to be slightly understressed here than overstressed.”
  • Strong: “This is essentially 1 mph above your Moderate speed. This effort should push you to some labored breathing if you were to run for five minutes straight.”
  • Recovery: “This should be a very light pace that not only can you run or walk for a long time, but enough that your heart rate can actually lower slightly while you are in it.”

There are two main sets to this workout. The first plays with incline so you can get a good hill run, and the second is all about speed. When the intervals become really short, like only 10 seconds long, Mike suggests, “Your…

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5 Exercise Modifications For Bad Knees and A Low-Impact Workout Plan

Working your legs is essential for your overall fitness! After all, your legs not only move you, but as the largest muscles in your body they help you perform those big calorie-burning exercises which bump up your metabolism. The problem is that bad knees can get in the way—and they’re a common problem. One study from Gallup-Healthways found that 26% of the adult population in the United States suffers from knee pain. Injuries, surgeries, arthritis and runner’s knee—there are many reasons you might be experiencing knee pain, but it should never cause you to skip leg day. We’re here to show you the best exercises for bad knees so you can strengthen your legs without putting stress on your knees. Learn the leg exercises for bad knees below and then we’ll show you both strength and cardio options so you can get a full-length workout done that won’t hurt your joints.

5 Exercise Modifications For Bad Knees

Most knee pain actually stems from a lack of strength in your legs. How’s that for ironic? Yes, strengthening the muscles around your knee joint is one of the best ways to protect you from knee pain. There are all kinds of ways you can work your legs by either modifying traditional leg moves and choosing moves that are effective but more gentle on your knees. Here are five great exercise modifications for bad knees.

1. Swap Out Your Squats

The big daddy of all leg moves, squats are a must do! If you have knee pain, however, you might have already decided they are a must don’t. So…

Try: Stability Ball Wall Squats

Instead of a traditional squat, grab a stability ball, place it between your mid-back and the wall. These squats for bad knees will still help you work your lower body without putting pressure on your joints.

  • Lean slightly back against the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of you and begin your squat.
  • Not only will this take some pressure off your knees, but you’ll also be able to adjust the move on the fly to suit your own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Get a feel for this and then add some dumbbells in your hand to make it harder.

Tip: Choose your range of motion—go lower if you can, but stay higher if your knee pain kicks in. The key is to sit back as you squat and keep all your weight in your heels!

2. Reverse Your Lunges

Another essential move for toned legs, lunges work not only your leg muscles but, when done properly, they also…

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This Man's 90-Pound Weight Loss Came From Weight Watchers and the Support of Strong Women

Kevin is surrounded by two strong, determined women. His sister Lindsey and his girlfriend, Megan, (who also happen to be good friends!) decided to get healthy and lose weight together, and their positive influence ended up bringing out the best in Kevin, too. Seeing the success they had on their diet and exercise program, he wanted to lose weight, too.

Kevin: Before and After

Since starting Weight Watchers, Kevin has lost 90 pounds – 90 percent of his 100-pound goal. He feels healthy and confident, and for the first time in his life, he feels like he can sustain his lifestyle.

POPSUGAR: What made you decide to start your weight-loss journey?

Kevin Minnick: A few months after Megan and Lindsey started their Weight Watchers journey, we went to the horse races and I drank too much and ate too much and was beating myself up for how heavy I was. Megan had asked me to join Weight Watchers before but I declined. On the way home, she asked me again, and this time I agreed!

PS: What made you choose Weight Watchers?

KM: When I was in college, after I gained a lot of weight after I broke my neck in a motorcycle accident, I did a medically assisted weight-loss program. The medication worked well, but as soon as I stopped taking it, I gained the weight back because all the pill did was make me not hungry. I hadn’t learned how to positively change my lifestyle.

After that, my go-to approach to losing weight was just eliminating fried foods. I was always able to do it for a week and then would find myself eating poorly soon after. Weight Watchers was a logical fit because Megan and Lindsey were already doing it with great success!

PS: What’s your favorite way to work out?

KM: I love to get swole! My favorite way to work out is lifting, and I like to go to Spin class for cardio.

Weight Watchers has given me a blueprint for healthy living. For the first time, I finally understand how to eat responsibly and make better decisions.

I like to work out with friends! I’m into trying new things with friends like BeachBody workouts and barre classes! Trying new things with new people keeps it spicy and makes the act of working out more fun!

PS: What’s your weekly exercise schedule?

KM: I lift three days a week and do cardio one to two days a…

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Exactly How Patreasha Threw Out Her Scale and Lost 8 Inches Off Her Waistline

A post shared by Patreasha Jones (@patreasha) on Nov 20, 2017 at 8:41am PST

In most before-and-after weight-loss photos, people will say how many pounds they lost or how many dress sizes they dropped. But fitness enthusiast Patreasha Black uses neither metric to talk about her transformation. With over 8,000 followers on Instagram, Patreasha inspires many people with her weight-loss story and the workout tips that have helped her in the past. Here’s how she got herself fitter and healthier than ever.

“I went from fast-food 3 times a week, pasta 2 times a week and pizza once a week to lean meats, veggies and brown rice,” she wrote in an Instagram post. “My body had no choice but to react.” She also traded in the sodas and juices for “water, protein shakes, and smoothies.”

Patreasha never really exercised before, but she started to run and do basic bodyweight exercises three to four times a week. “I went from staying up late snacking and watching Netflix to in the bed by 9 p.m.,” she continued. “I went from skipping meals to eating 6 small meals every day.”

Each of these lifestyle changes were “actually very simple,” but when they were all put together, they made a world of difference. She saw some pretty significant changes in just the first 30 days of her self-created program. “However, you can’t cut corners. You must stay committed, eliminate stress, be consistent, don’t cheat, don’t quit, and most importantly DON’T make excuses,” she added. Feeling inspired yet? We sure are!

A post shared by Patreasha Black (@patreasha) on Nov 10, 2017 at 12:49pm PST

POPSUGAR caught up with Patreasha about her accomplishments, and she shared, “I have lost more than eight inches off my waistline.” Wow, that’s pretty impressive. “I find scales to be discouraging,” she explained. “I celebrate nonscale victories.” It’s worked well for her so far.

“My diet is low in carbs and high in protein,” she said. Patreasha didn’t follow any fad diets, she didn’t take any special supplements, and she didn’t opt for any meal replacements. Her diet changes were simply focused on eating clean, whole foods that fueled her body and gave her energy. She admits this was a challenge at first. “I had to learn to stop allowing my taste buds to…

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Sensual Dance Movement – A virtual sensual dance program to help the every day woman feel more confident and sexy in her skin.

Product Name: Sensual Dance Movement – A virtual sensual dance program to help the every day woman feel more confident and sexy in her skin.

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A virtual sensual dance program to help the every day woman feel more confident and sexy in her skin.

After working with women for 10+ years, regardless of their current level of fitness, so many still struggle with feeling confident and sexy in their bodies in the present moment.

I’ve met thousands of women who think that confidence, happiness and body love will come once they arrive at their “ideal” weight. They turn away from the mirror when getting out of the shower, they’ll only have sex with the lights off, they’re constantly stressed that others are judging their bodies and never feeling good enough, lean enough, sexy enough.

But I get it. As a former fitness competitor and reforming perfectionist, it’s easy to get caught up in the trap of needing to “deserve” to feel sexy, which so many of us think only comes when we lose X lbs.

BUT. What I̢۪ve found myself and with the women that I coach is that when we allow ourselves to experience sensuality and embracing our bodies as-is, the outcome is remarkable.

So, I felt compelled to reach more women with this ground-breaking discovery and as a result, created my online Sensual Movement course as a solution.

I want to help women realize that they have the ability to feel empowered, confident and free immediately no matter where they are in their fitness journey.

Because living in a perpetual state of “not good enough until” is draining and no way to live.

Sensual Movement allows you to take a deep dive into your femininity and help you hone in on your confidence NOW, not when the scale tells you that you can.

Other programs will give you tons of to-dos to chase weight loss goals but miss the mark on helping you feel sexy in the process – which ultimately is how a lot of us want to feel! We all know how shitty it feels to linger in the “I’ll be happy and confident when I lose xyx” pounds.

My signature course, Sensual Movement is available now until September 1st ONLY so if you are looking to learn how to embrace your body now, develop confidence and physical freedom that will leave you a force to be reckoned with, this education is nonnegotiable.

And Sensual Movement provides you those things IMMEDIATELY.

You have the power within yourself to have it now.

You̢۪ll emerge inspired to take more action in many areas of your life with your newfound confidence without feeling like you have to wait until you meet a fitness destination to be allowed that.

I am so looking forward to having you dive into this Sensual Movement program. I believe that MOVEMENT in your BODY creates MOVEMENT in your LIFE. 

My creation of Sensual Movement stems from 10+ years of teaching women how to sensual dance in my studio – Venus Pole Fitness. As a busy mom of 3 kids I know how easy it can be to slip into a rut and put ourselves on the back burner. One of the reasons why I started my studio in the first place was that I craved an outlet to be able to be me – the woman I am outside of being a mom.

After working with thousands of women through the studio and virtual coaching, I’ve found that so many of us want to feel sexy in our skin, love our bodies and ROCK our confidence NOW. Sensual Movement continues to provide that for myself and my clients.

My Sensual Movement program was created out of necessity. I want to share with more women around the globe about this unique way to really feel alive and become #UnapologeticallySexy in their skin now.

YES you can exude confidence even if you think you are “too fat” to be sexy.

YES you can tap into your femininity even if you don’t have a sexy bone in your body.

YES you can finally look in a mirror naked and not hate what you see

Your last chance to feel authentically SexyAF because this program and price go away at midnight September 1st

After you complete the course in Sensual Movement you get out of the shower, look at yourself naked in the mirror and love every effing inch of what you see. Next, you get dressed for your day and you don’t think a single thought about how fat you look or feel. Something too tight? Oh well, it wasn’t suited for your beautiful body anyway.

You go to work and feel so confident you can speak up and ask for what you want. You feel empowered to communicate your desires to everyone around you all day without fear. You are paving the way for huge changes not only in your mind but in your life.

Tick tock, tick tock… the program goes OFF the shelves and special launch pricing ends Friday, September 1st at midnight. Don’t miss out on the boatloads of confidence you can access at your fingertips.

What equipment is required? Do I need a pole?

A lot of women in my studio would have loved to have access to this program before they started with me because there is zero equipment required and it can be done in the privacy of your own living room. It’s super accessible. A yoga mat is recommended but not required. You’ll also need access to a space on a wall with nothing obscuring it.

How much weight will I lose?

Although I have witnessed hundreds of women shed body weight during their Sensual Movement practice this is not what the intention is for this program. Yes, I’ve seen weight loss of up to 50 pounds in women who’ve added this movement into their lives. Amazingly when we start cultivating confidence through this empowering movement, we naturally start to release negative body image perception, improve our self care and decrease stress. All things proven to help naturally bring your mind and body to an overall happier and healthier state of being.

I’m new to this kind of thing, how much experience do I need?

None. Although this can certainly benefit someone who has experience with sensual movement however if you are looking for a highly technical program with a lot of complex choreography this isn’t the program for you.

How much time does the program require?

With multiple videos ranging from 5 to 30 minutes you can do as much or as little as you want. You’d be surprised how a quick 5 minutes of this movement will supercharge your mood. Like anything, the more you practice the more confident you will feel in the movement.

Is there any access to coaching with Diane? What if I get stuck or have a question?

Although there is no direct one-on-one coaching with this program you will have access to our private closed Facebook group that will allow you to connect and reach out to Diane and other Sensual Movement Goddesses.

Is there a nutrition program or diet included?

This program does not include any nutrition or diet plans.

How long will I have access to the program?

Upon purchase you gain immediate access to the membership site and have lifetime access.

What if I’m currently doing other workouts?

Sensual Movement is a great stand alone program as well as supplement to any other fitness program. The stretching and strengthening you will do via this movement will serve as a great cross training option. But there is no need to quit your current workout program.

How is this program delivered?

This program is delivered via PDF downloads, complete instructional videos and full length lessons that Diane does with you in real time. Everything is housed on a membership site in which you will have a username and password to access.

Upon purchase: within seconds, you will receive your receipt via email (be sure to check your Junk email folder), and there will be a Download or Access button for you to click. You’ll be re-routed to a Thank You page that will provide access to an online membership portal. You will log in with a username and password and access the lessons, all the overview information and PDF downloadable guides. Questions? Email me!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Disclaimer: These lessons are designed for educational purposes only, and you follow them at your own risk. You are an adult, capable of listening to your body and knowing what it can and can’t handle. I have done my best to prepare you for a safe and effective program, but please speak with your physician before starting any fitness program, especially if you are at a higher risk for illness and injury.  Diane Flores assumes no risk for your voluntary participation in this program.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. 

660 Bitritto Ct, Modesto, CA 95356

Click here to get Sensual Dance Movement – A virtual sensual dance program to help the every day woman feel more confident and sexy in her skin. or To Learn More…

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Sensual Dance Movement – A virtual sensual dance program to help the every day woman feel more confident and sexy in her skin. is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

Sunny Health & Fitness

Price: $323.63
(as of Nov 22,2017 11:09:30 UTC – Details)

I Did 100 Squats Every Day For 2 Weeks – Here's What I (and My Butt) Learned

I’ve always been a sucker for a good challenge. Maybe it’s because of the competitive streak in me, or perhaps it’s due to my love for all things fitness, but whatever it is, I’m usually one of the first people to sign up for a workout challenge. And as someone who is currently chasing booty gains in the weight room, I was curious to see what would happen if I committed to doing 100 squats every single day for two weeks.

Of course, we’re talking about 100 air squats here. There was no way I was about to do 100 weighted squats in one sitting – that is a level of fitness masochism even I would politely decline to take part in. But the catch was that I had to do all 100 squats in one session, meaning I couldn’t break them up during the day. Having previously spent two years of my life as a CrossFit junkie, though, I knew that doing a high number of air squats was much harder than it sounds on the surface.

My booty and I made it through the two weeks in one piece, and here are the four major takeaways I gathered from doing this challenge.

It Felt Like Cardio More Than Anything Else

If you do 100 reps of anything, it ends up feeling like cardio. You start sweating, panting, and cursing. Your cardiovascular system is kicked into overdrive and your heart rate increases, which makes you feel badass and accomplished. After about 50 squats, I was breathing as if I had just taken a brisk run around the block, and by the end of all 100 reps, I was wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead.

As an avid weightlifter, I noticed that this challenge felt much more like cardio than strength training – and there’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, there was one day when I was so tired from doing my 100 squats that I decided to skip my StairMaster cardio session. My legs had had enough for the day.

I Didn’t See Any Significant Changes in My Butt

The photo on the left was taken shortly before I started squatting my ass off, and the one on the right was snapped right after the challenge ended. As you can see, there isn’t any real difference in my butt – or my thighs, for that matter. I’ve heard from many different trainers that you need to add weights to your lower-body routine if you want to see booty gains, and I am living proof that this is true. Air squats simply weren’t enough to grow my butt.

Source link

ProForm 150i Elliptical

Price: $314.29
(as of Nov 22,2017 09:27:09 UTC – Details)

Take your exercise to the next level with the 150i Elliptical. This machine features a 17-inch stride length with a front-drive motor, offering the ideal combination of smooth-action and resistance. The padded handles provide stability and offer you a way to get an upper-body workout as you tone your legs. The built-in LCD screen is compatible with iFit apps and Google Maps, letting you see real-time progress through the Street View setting. 12 workouts come preprogrammed into the unit. Dimensions: 66.75L x 22.5W x 63H in.. Long-lasting steel frame. Reliable front-drive design. Handles double as upper-body workout. 12 pre-programmed workouts. iFit compatible LCD screen.Dimensions: 66.75L x 22.5W x 63H in.
Long-lasting steel frame
Reliable front-drive design
Handles double as upper-body workout
12 pre-programmed workouts

Fit Over Forty

Product Name: Fit Over Forty

Click here to get Fit Over Forty or Learn More Here..

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Fit Over Forty is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


Brett Yokley, 6x Nationally Certified Fitness Specialist, Certified Nutrition Expert, 26 years of personal training and coaching.

Ladies… It’s finally time to learn the simple truth about Losing Stubborn Belly Fat and Getting a Flat Stomach

What if I told you that there is a program that is so amazingly effective and ridiculously easy-to-follow and that you are guaranteed to lose weight faster with this program than if you ran 5 miles a day or starved yourself eating only 2 salads a day? What if I said you will see and feel the difference in your waist, hips and butt in only 72 hrs? Interested? If so; then you definitely want to read on…

.. and start using these wickedly effective workout techniques and diet tips and begin to unleash the new you – transform yourself into the you that feels sexy, energized, and slender.

My name is Marci Smith. I am 45 years old. I am a housewife and a mother of 3 great children. I would like to share something personal about myself. My story starts one miserable day last September, when I just broke down and cried. I couldn’t help it – I just couldn’t take it any more.

One Monday after I dropped my youngest off at school, I got on the bathroom scale to weigh myself. I felt hopeful. I had been on a strict diet for 3 weeks and followed it relentlessly – suffering through the hunger pangs, cooking my family great food while I ate lettuce and celery. After two months I had gone off the diet for the weekend to give myself a break – to live like a normal person for a couple of days.

So, I got on the scale. I weighed 192! I couldn’t believe it! In one lousy weekend I had gained back all the weight that I had lost in 3 weeks of daily cardio, exercise and eating unsatisfying food.

Now maybe this doesn’t sound like a big deal to you, but I was a quivering wreck. I had been desperately trying to lose weight for the last 10 years since I hit 35 and had that “metabolism change”. I felt like a complete failure… my self esteem hit “rock bottom”. I had tried every diet that you can imagine; the Adkins diet, the Grapefruit diet, South Beach diet, even fasting and hypnosis. I even tried “fat burners” and “appetite suppressants” even though I knew these were dangerous and had documented side effects! I even ran 5 miles a day while starving myself with only 2 salads a day… I tried it all; even Doctor supervised weight loss programs.

The results were always the same. I would struggle to lose a few pounds and then I would give myself a small break for a day and the weight would come right back on; it really felt hopeless to me. But this particular morning when I had broke down and was crying; I knew I was at the end of my rope! I was about to give up. I don’t want this to sound like a poor-me story and I’m not telling you all this because I want your sympathy; to the contrary… my story has a surprise ending.

The next day talked to a friend of mine, Rose Mary, (who looks fabulous at 53 by the way), and asked her how she kept in shape.

That’s when she hooked me up with Brett, and I learned the stunning fact that everything I was doing was wrong, some of it even making me gain weight, and the wonderful FitOver40 Program. When I started the FitOver40 Program something with my body changed immediately that has helped me feel young, fit, sexy, and alive again.

Certified Nutrition Expert

6-Time Nationally Certified Personal Trainer

I’m Brett Yokley and I’m here to answer the question…

“My metabolism has slowed down… I’ll never lose weight. I’ll just cram myself into this outfit again”

“I just have to accept it the way it is, my mom is big, and it’s genetics. I might as well abandon the idea of being slim and sexy again.”

“I’ve tried everything, nothing works. I give up. ”

“I just don’t have the time or the energy to get in shape… I’m too busy… I’ll do it later”

Scientific research has proven all of these beliefs astonishingly wrong! I’m here to tell you that thousands of women have changed their mindset, and found a program that works with their body, not against it; they too have proven their previous beliefs wrong. Once you discover how easy it is… you can feel and look sexy and slim faster than you ever dreamed possible!

The truth is… . you’ve been deceived!

You’re not alone… 95% of all women don’t realize that their weight loss efforts are actually counterproductive and they are wasting their time. They learn the hard way – when they just don’t get the results they want.

We’re bombarded by all the infomercial exercise gurus using ninja psychological tactics – telling us to “just do more cardio”. They say this while there trying to sell you the latest cardio or weight loss gimmick. Maybe this latest contraption will be the answer to all my weight loss nightmares?

WRONG… ..the bottom line is – it doesn’t work that way.

There is irrefutable evidence that, contrary to the opinions of the latest “expert”, Cardio does very little for burning that excess body fat and is counterproductive!

What makes cardio counterproductive?
Many women train on a treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike at a steady pace for 25 to 30 minutes (or sometimes up to 60 minutes) at a time. This is called “steady state cardio”, and it’s taking you down the wrong track. You see “steady state cardio” only trains your heart at one specific heart rate range. The sad truth is, over time cardio cn result in slowing down your metabolic rate causing you to gain even more fat and deplete your energy levels.

Another little-known fact is that doing a lot of the wrong type of cardio can cause inflammatory responses to the joints resulting in pain and swelling, also it can cause negative reactions to the immune system.

Required knowledge for my clients is….don’t place too much importance on cardio (treadmill, bike, elliptical machines, etc.) in your quest to boost your energy levels and help you shed all that excess body fat! Cardiovascular exercise is great for Cardiac Muscle (heart muscle) and the Vascular System (circulatory system) and plays a role in increasing your metabolism to some extent – but only if done correctly; don’t expect it to be like waving a magic wand and your Excess Body Fat will just melt off, (Honestly, that’s just wishful thinking).

THE BOTTOM LINE: You don’t need to do endless hours of repetitious cardio to get the metabolism boosting, fat burning benefits. When your using programs based on the cutting edge research about the safe and simple cardio techniques that work, you’ll notice the change in your weight, and energy level almost overnight.

95% of people who work out end up making the same mistakes over and over – they think that if 20 minutes of cardio isn’t working, then 40 will. Or if 100 sit-ups a day isn’t working they’ll do 200. But they are going down the wrong track.

They say that the definition of insanity is making the same mistakes over and over and expecting different results. Well I’m not so sure as to say insanity, but I would definitely say desperation and just simply not knowing the truth.

So Ask Yourself… .when is it a good time to stop making the same mistakes over and over?

Unfortunately, many women learn the hard way that these uncontrolled substances rarely work and can actually murder your metabolism.

The truth is that 99% of all “Diet Pills” and “Fat Burners” are a big mistake. I could make a lot of money selling these “Diet Pills” and “Fat Burners” but I absolutely refuse to do that because I know that they don’t work and can be very dangerous to your health, besides… my goal is your success, not money. At the end of the day I need to be able to look in the mirror and respect myself.

There are 5 “clinically proven” natural supplements that I have found to be very effective (when taken at specific times throughout the day) in helping to accelerate your body’s natural fat burning capabilities by boosting your metabolism and energy levels.

1) L-Carnitine
2) L-Ornithine
3) Metabolic Optimizer #3
4) Metabolic Optimizer #4
5) Metabolic Optimizer #5

*Very important… Don’t just take these supplements “Helter Skelter”! Over the past 25+ years I’ve found there is a very specific method of taking these supplements during the day for increased effectiveness. In my full FITOVER40 program I will explain exactly what these 5 Metabolic Optimizers are and exactly when you should take them; and as with any dietary supplement it is recommended that you consult with a physician before taking.

You won’t be able to stick to a diet when you are always hungry- sooner or later you’re going to cave in. The latest research in neuro-science (how the brain works) confirms what I’ve known as a trainer all my life – willpower is not the way – and it’s absolutely no fun.

The Atkins diet, South Beach diet, Sugar Busters diet, Grapefruit diet and the plain old “starvation diet” all have one major fault in common… they’re just too *@&!# hard to stick too for any length of time to get any real benefits from; and the problem is that when you take even a small break off the diet, you gain the weight right back lickety-split!

This is called the “yoyo effect” of losing weight only to gain it back. Anyone that has experienced this will agree… that once this frustration starts, you get to a point where you are literally scared to eat anything – your confidence is shot and then you start considering more and more desperate measures, like “fat burners” or buying the newest infomercial “weight loss gimmick”.

Another big mistake to avoid at all cost is assuming you are eating healthy; but actually you are eating fat – triggering foods that destroy your metabolism and keep you from having a slimmer, sexy body.

In my full FITOVER40 program I detail my proven, easy to follow weight loss nutrition plan which I call my 60/40 rule. My 60/40 rule is so ridiculously simple, and it works perfect every time. You’ll find that by simply following my 60/40 Rule, you will have a more constant energy level all day long due to the fact that you are naturally boosting your body’s metabolism and you’ll turn your body into a fat burning machine. Best of all you’re never hungry!

When You match the calorie consumption with your metabolic rate; not only does this assist in giving you tons more Energy, it also makes it possible for your body to utilize those calories and burn them as an Energy Source… ..and that is how you will start to see a big difference in Boosting your Energy Levels and the Disappearance of Your Excess Body Fat! I Guarantee It 100%.

These are just gimmicks that take advantage of peoples willingness to do just about anything to lose fat – don’t be tricked, these are a waste of money and time. you’ll just throw them away or sell them in a yard sale anyway.

The gazelle; ab belts, ab rocker, ablounger; not the Ab gadgets are nothing more than a rip-off! They’re just trying to sell you a dream. They don’t work for 20 year olds, and they won’t work for you.

Fact: The only way that you are going to lose that excess fat to reveal that slimmer-sexy figure that you know is under there is by a combination of a smart – proven nutritional eating plan along with professionally designed “fat Burning” full body workouts. Once you discover the secret that I reveal to you in the FITOVER40 program of how to work with their body, not against it… you can feel and look sexy and slim in no time!

I’m so excited… I love showing off my new body! It feels like I’m 25 again. Now I love the way I look

Thanks FITOVER40:
Sincerely, Eliane Nikerle

I’m very happy to say that since I have been using the FITOVER40 Program I have had remarkable changes in my body and a hugeboost in my energy levels. I have lost over 32 pounds and my body fat has dropped over 12%. I’m very happy with the results!

What they are doing differently is, they discovered a unique one-of-a-kind full body program that I have developed with over 25+ years of research and proven results designed specifically for women over 40 called the FITOVER40 program.
Over 25 years ago while training and consulting women to lose that excess body fat, I quickly discovered that women over 40 definitely have a much harder time losing fat and getting slimmer than women in their 20’s. (no real surprise there, huh?) I needed to know why. I needed to develop a plan of attack to help these women get slim and lose fat. I knew that my value as a Personal Fitness Trainer was based on 1 thing… did I help these women lose all that excess fat or not? So I knew that I had to get this right!

Due to my educational background in Biology; I understood that the physiology of fat is the same from one person to the next… so why is it more difficult for women to lose the fat as they get older? The answer had to be metabolism and naturally occurring hormones declining with age, also bad eating habits definitely didn’t help either.

What I did was I spent every spare minute of my time researching any and all articles and published studies related to “Aging and Metabolism” and “Hormone Decline”. Most of my research came from “The New England Journal of Medicine” and “Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA)” The research backed up my assumptions. Now… not only did I know that women over 40 have a much tougher time trying to lose that excess fat, I also knew the Science behind why this was the case.

I designed a series of easy-to-do metabolism boosting workouts that will help you to burn excess fat 24/7 since it stimulates your metabolism and helps you build shapely muscle tissue which is the basis for your fat burning metabolic machinery to begin with. I also developed and refined over the years a healthy and smart nutritional eating plan that works to optimize your metabolism… burning fat like crazy and giving you tons of energy!

With my FITOVER40 program you will lose fat faster than any “boring cardio workouts” or “starvation diets” that you have ever tried and your energy will skyrocket… matter how out of shape you are or how many times that you have been defeated and disappointed by other weight loss plans; I Guarantee It 100% !

…And its called the FITOVER40 program. Please read this carefully…

There are 100’s of generic workouts out there; but none of them address the specific issues that women that are over 40 are struggling with. Women over 40 are frustrated and finding it practically impossible to lose excess fat because…

#1 their metabolism has changed and slowed down and…#2 they simply don’t have the energy they used to to be able to put in the physical effort to lose the weight.

You’re right – IT SUCKS! Well… I have good news for any woman over 40 who struggles to lose weight. I have researched and created eight unparalleled – effective easy-to-do metabolism boosting workouts!

They are fully customizable workouts that deliver remarkable results. With my 25+ years of experience in training and consulting thousands of women in person as well as on-line to boost energy levels and lose fat I can say with total confidence that these top 8 fat burning workouts will help you burn fat 24/7; since it stimulates your metabolism and helps you build shapely muscle tissue, which is the basis for your fat burning metabolic machinery. You’ll find the “perfect program” that fits you! You’ll look and feel Fit, Sexy and Fabulous; I guarantee it 100%.

I have also developed and refined over the years a healthy and smart nutritional eating plan that works optimizes your metabolism… burning fat like crazy and giving you tons of extra energy! I call it my 60/40 diet rule and it is so ridiculously simple to follow, you’ll have a more constant energy level all day long! You will be naturally boosting your body’s metabolism and you’ll turn your body into a fat burning machine. Best of all your never hungry!

You’ll also find my secret list of 5 clinically proven supplements that assist in helping your body burn excess body fat by boosting your metabolism *Plus a “Newly Discovered Fat Burning Compound” that speeds up your body’s ability to burn that stored excess body fat and boost energy levels.

*Bonus section – I reveal over 15 types of food that you probably eat on a regular basis that you must “Avoid at All Cost” (these foods absolutely Kill your Energy and Make You Gain Fat!)

When you start on the FITOVER40 program you’ll start experiencing a truly effective re-shaping of your body. This full body fat burning system that not only boosts your metabolism to burn fat 24/7… .you will feel your energy levels soar.

FITOVER40 program has worked wonders for me.

The workouts were quick and easy to do, and the part I liked the most was that I could choose from any of the 8 different workouts and custom fit them to my fitness ability. I was never hungry on the 60/40 nutrition plan which made it a cinch to stay on and I saw results like nothing else I had ever tried. I honestly never expected to get these kinds of incredible results. I would definitely recommend the FITOVER40 program to anyone who wants to lose fat and get in shape fast. Just look at me; I’m in the Best Shape of my Life and I Feel Fantastic!

Thanks Brett @ FITOVER40:
Sincerely, Cathy Spiegel

Because you need to know this:

Everything you’ll read here is true. (And if you’re struggling to lose weight and don’t have the energy you used to, allow me to suggest that reading about what I do, CAREFULLY, is the very best possible use of your time right now.)

And by the way, if anyone says that what I do is too hard, or it doesn’t work for regular people, or they think they know what I do, believe me . . . they don’t.

Think about it – if somebody really knew the Secret to boosting your metabolism that turns your body into a fat burning machine 24/7 … they’d do it.

So unless they are an expert at training and counseling women specifically over the age of 40 on proven methods of boosting their metabolism and energy levels, don’t listen to them. Listen to me. And study this information carefully.

Because this is what I’ve done for over 25 years.

And more importantly . . .

I CAN teach YOU in the FITOVER40 program how to:

(And I’m willing to guarantee it!)

Here are the reasons why the FITOVER40 program will work for you.

1)Targets the Metabolism of Women over 40. There is a definite link between aging and the body’s metabolism. Generally, as we age there is a gradual decline in metabolism, For this reason, there is a noticeable drop in our energy levels and an accumulation of excess body fat as the years go by. Many studies have been done to understand why people gain weight as they age and the answer is clear – the change in body composition accounts for the vast majority of the decline in metabolism. The relative proportions of lean body mass (muscle) decline as you age; leading to the accumulation of excess body fat.

Hormone production for women in their 40’s, seem to be at optimum production until women hit perimenopause and menopause. The main factor for women that have trouble ridding themselves of excess body fat, whether on the belly, thighs, hips, bottom or arms is estrogen. Example: women that have excess belly fat usually have a disproportionate amount of estrogen receptor sites in the stomach area and estrogen congregates and attaches to these receptor sites. This excess estrogen tends to develop fatty stores in the area of the excessive receptor sites. In order for you to burn that excess body fat and increase your energy level you must first learn how to boost your metabolism, and I will show you exactly that in the FITOVER40 program.

2)My Proven Eight Unparalleled “fat burning workouts” that you can customize to fit you’re specific fitness level. You’ll find the “perfect program” That boosts your fat burning metabolism so that your body will be a fat burning machine 24/7 and you’ll have tons of extra energy; When you incorporate these workouts into your everyday life; almost immediately you’ll notice a dramatic increase in your energy level and your body’s metabolism will soar and you will finally start to see your body change before your very eyes! You’ll not only look fit – you’ll feel fit; I guarantee it!

In the FITOVER40 program I will show you that by combining specific metabolism boosting workouts along with my unique 60/40 nutrition plan you will build shapely muscle tissue which is the basis for your fat burning metabolic machinery to begin with… .You’ll experience an amazing boost in your metabolism and remarkable increases in your energy levels

3)My 60/40 diet rule is so ridiculously simple, and it works perfect every time. This eating program works so incredibly well because it applies the calories/metabolism connection that I outline and explain in great detail in the FITOVER40 manual. You’ll find that by simply following my 60/40 Rule, you will have a more constant energy level all day long due to the fact that you are naturally boosting your body’s metabolism and you’ll turn your body into a fat burning machine. Best of all you’re never hungry!

… You are matching your Caloric Intake with Your Metabolic Rate.

Just take a look at what the women are saying about what the FITOVER40 program has done for them. These are real everyday women that got real results… .take a minute and see what they have to say about my system and what it has done for them.

Look at their smiles… how their proud to show off their new body. Read between the lines. Because this is the best help you’ll have to decide if my system is right for YOU. Their opinions are important, because they already use the FITOVER40 system.

So far I’ve lost over 41 lbs. My body fat was 37%… Now it’s 24%!

I feel great and love going out and shopping for a new wardrobe.

Thank you so much FITOVER40

Thanks again for making it so easy… ..

Last summer before we went on vacation to the beach, I started to stress out and I really didn’t want too be seen, even in shorts. I got very depressed. I have been fighting to keep the weight off, but it just seemed every year I slowly gained more weight. I was very unhappy with myself, I couldn’t believe how heavy I had gotten. My husband just didn’t understand; I told him I was using the treadmill and eating less but it still didn’t make any difference, I just wasn’t losing any weight at all.

I was doing some research a few days later on dieting and weight loss and I came across the FITOVER40 program and after reading more about it, I signed up for the free report! Wow… that really opened my eyes. It all made sense to me then, I was doing all the wrong things. I ordered the FITOVER40 women’s program and started losing the weight immediately and now I have more energy than I’ve had in years. I finally have that flat sexy stomach I used to have!

Thank You FITOVER40, Sincerely, Susan Bracy

Hi, my name is Leigh Ann Coffey and being over 40 and a mother of 2, I understand the trials facing women who struggle to lose that excess body fat. In 2003 I experienced a significant health event hat completely wrecked my figure and I was very depressed after several failed attempts at trying just about every diet and workout plan out there, I just didn’t know what else to do or where to turn. Then one day while I was looking at weight loss plans on the internet I came across the FITOVER40 Program.

After reading more about this simple approach that targets the metabolism along with fat burning workouts plus the fact that it was designed specifically for women over 40; I decided that I would give it a shot. I can’t put into words how happy I am. “FITOVER40 worked for me when everything else failed.

Thanks to Brett and the FITOVER40 program I look and feel better than I have in years.

Sincerely, Leigh Ann Coffey

Thank You, Debbie Pelerose

My friends and I have been using your FITOVER40 now for 7 months and I can honestly say that now I look and feel better than I have in over 15 years.Thank You, Jackie Greenhood, Age 44

I love the energy that your workout programs have given me; my energy has increased 10 fold! My body fat went from 33% down to 21% in just 3 months. I’m so proud of my new body… so is my husband.Thank You so much, Melanie Raines, Age 49

I really didn’t have that much weight to lose in the first place but I have to tell you that doing the workouts in yourFITOVER40 program have made my stomach very flat and toned and my legs and butt have really shaped up.Thanks, Susan Creeden, Age 48

Brett; your FITOVER40 workouts really have helped me to shape up my body. I haven’t looked or felt this good in over 20 years. I tell everyone I know about your program and how it was one of the best decisions I ever made the day I ordered it! Sincerely, Rose Mary McMenamin, Age 53

I really tried everything to lose the weight; I tried every “diet program” and “quick weight loss” solution and then I signed up at Curves and tried that for a whole year with absolutely no results-I didn’t know what else to do or where to turn. I ended up just getting very depressed and tried to forget losing weight altogether. Then one day something great happened; Sandy, a dear friend of mine told me about the FITOVER40 Program that a personal fitness trainer had developed and the incredible results that women were seeing on this program. She told me that she had lost over 60 lbs and completely re-shaped her body using this program… Well to make a long story short, I ordered the FITOVER40 Program and since I have been using it, not only is my “pot belly” gone but I’m actually seeing muscle definition in my stomach. I’m so thankful that I found FITOVER40. Life is wonderful Thanks to FITOVER40!

First of all, this program burns fat off your body 24/7. You start to build lean, shapely muscle tissue immediately and this results in revving up your metabolic machinery so you lose fat around the clock!

You literally burn your excess body fat as a source of fuel. After about the 4th day on the program you will start to notice a remarkable increase in your energy level that will last all day long and into the evening. Research has proven that the less body fat you have; the more energy you will have.

Fact: You will never be able to stick to a diet and make any “real” progress if you are always hungry-because sooner or later you’re going to cave in. This eating program works so incredibly well because it applies my calories/metabolism connection principle! My 60/40 Rule is so ridiculously simple, you will have a more constant energy level all day long due to the fact that you are naturally boosting your body’s metabolism and you’ll turn your body into a fat burning machine. Best of all you’re never hungry!

I’ve spent over 25 years researching and developing the most effective fitness and weight loss programs with 2 things in mind… . #1 they must be very simple an easy to follow and #2 they must deliver the results I promise.

This is not just another weight loss diet. It is a complete system that combines a healthy eating program with easy to do fat burning workouts. With over 25+ years of research behind the development of this system, It is probably much safer than the way you eat right now.

Stop working against your body – work with your body

Unless you know these powerful secrets; you will always struggle to lose fat !

Over the last 25+ years of training and consulting thousands of women that are trying to lose body fat and get slimmer, I have realized that most of the ideas that people have (even highly paid personal trainers) about losing weight – especially for women over 40, are wrong.

This misinformation can even make you gain weight by slowing down your metabolism… due to not knowing certain types of fat-triggering foods that you consume on a daily basis and not knowing certain types of cardio exercises that actually boost your fat burning processes.

“Sadly… some women never discover the secrets that hold them back from ever having a sexier – slimmer body”

Discover what thousands of women over 40 are calling their “secret weight loss solution”… resulting in them looking and feeling sexier and slimmer… .winding back the clock by 15-20 years!

So, if you are investing your workout time doing the traditional monotonous, boring 20-30 minutes of cardio on elliptical machines or treadmills combined with area specific workouts (ab workouts, or arm workouts)… you are wasting your time, when you could be doing a truly effective full body workout that stimulate your metabolism and help you lose weight for a full 24-48 hours after each workout.

When you get your workouts right, not only do you cut your workout time in 1/2, your excess melts off you faster than you could imagine – and you feel great, sexy, slimmer and full of energy. Of course you do have to put in some effort – but the FITOVER40 program can be applied by anyone, regardless of age or current conditioning.

Now you might be thinking…how is the FITOVER40 program different from all those other hyped up programs out there today?

Here’s what makes it different:

Do you think they would pay me that much If they didn’t get the Results I promised?

I retain 96% of my clients, which is unheard of in the Personal Training Industry. In fact I have clients that are on a 6 month waiting list for hands on Personal Training. But I still continue to help thousands online.

In my 27 years of Training people get the Body they want, it has become abundantly clear to me the vast majority of women want one thing… … … .A simple; easy-to-follow weight loss program that actually works!

Now you can discover the secrets of Accelerated Fat Loss

I felt compelled to write to you and let you know that one day last July I decided that I was going to get into a fitness program to improve my strength and energy. I visited a couple of gyms near my house to see what they offered, but I just felt uncomfortable with a big gym and they wanted me to sign up for personal training, “something I knew I couldn’t afford”.

My daughter suggested I check out your FITOVER40 program and you were the most knowledgeable personal fitness trainer that she had seen; and since you had a 100% money back guarantee I decided that I would give it a try.

Your program worked wonders for me. The nutritional information was very simple and easy to follow and now I don’t crave foods at night anymore. The workouts were relatively easy to complete. I’m stunned how my body has changed. My daughter loves showing me off to all her friends; I feel 20 years younger! I’m delighted that I purchased your FITOVER40 program.

Thank you so much,
Porter Scoggins

**Here are some more insider secrets that I will share with you in this program:

Please Note: The FITOVER40 manual is NOT available in stores. You can only access this program through this website.

What’s better is not only do you get the FitOver40 program; you also get bonus books…Everything for one absolute low price! See below for more details.

44 Year Old Mother Says…

This is the first time I’ve stuck with an exercise program this long! Brett is so knowledgeable and careful about form and safety. I feel stronger and better than ever before and all my friends are always complimenting me on how great I look. I feel like a million bucks! It’s obvious that Brett takes a personal and genuine interest in helping me reach my fitness goals.

Thank you for all your help, Rebecca Keaton

About 2 yrs ago I came across your FITOVER40 website. I’m an RN so I knew that what you were describing about the metabolism slowing down as women age was precise. The more I read about your approach to losing fat, the more I began to realize that I had to try your program… Well to make a long story short I tried the FitOver 40 plan, and boy did it work! I started losing the weight and having more energy than I’ve had in years.

I was very impressed and surprised how fast and easily your program worked for me. I’m proud to say that Ive lost over 43 lbs and I have my slim figure back… I’m very happy!

Thank you Brett, Sheila Miller

Thanks FITOVER40, Susan McDermott

I found your FITOVER40 website and read about the fitness program that you offered, so I decided to get it and follow it to the letter. Well I want to tell you that I followed those fat burning workouts and followed your nutrition advice for 13 weeks. Well, during the trip I wore my swimsuit almost the entire time and my other friends kept asking me how I stayed so slim. I told them about your FITOVER40 system and how easy it was to follow.

Your friend, Catherine McCaulley

No gimmicks, no outlandish promises for overnight success – You’ll learn the truth about what’s happened to your metabolism and exactly what you can do to outsmart and trick your fat cells into literally melting away. You will change the shape of your body… losing the body fat so that you can FINALLY have a flat sexy stomach and a slim waist.

SAVE YOUR MONEY! This program is available to you for half the price you would pay for a months supply of one of those supposed “miracle pills” that claim that you’ll lose 40 lbs of fat in only one month by taking their magic pill. Gimme a break! The truth is – and I will save you thousands of your hard earned dollars in your lifetime if you listen to this statement… YOU DON’T NEED ANY OF THAT CRAP (ca-ca)!

Stop throwing away hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, year after year on all of these snake-oil, black-magic pills, and make a small investment now to discover the truth about how you can lose the fat like all the other women that you’ve just seen and read about. Lose your body fat for good… the natural, easy way!

Depending on how much abdominal fat or body fat that you have to lose, I obviously can’t guarantee that you’ll lose all your belly fat in 60 days… for example, if you have a large amount of belly fat to lose, it might realistically take longer than 60 days.

However, I guarantee that if you apply my techniques in the FITOVER40 program, you will have more energy; lose significant belly fat and/or get a slimmer and more fit appearance in 60 days.

Alright, I want to take any doubts or indecision you might have at this point, out of your head. Seriously, if you don’t take action now, you will NEVER improve your body… You’ll simply continue to struggle with that stubborn belly fat and flabby “stuff” that has been haunting you for years. In fact in 6 months from now you’ll be 4-6 lbs heavier and have even less energy to do something about it.

You’ll just keep procrastinating and making up lame excuses as to why you’re “gonna wait until next week” to start working out and eating right. PLEASE!

In the movie “Shawshank Redemption” – Morgan Freeman has a line and says “you either get busy living… or you get busy dying”! I can’t tell you how many thousands of my clients that I have said that to; it always makes them think, and it usually motivates them to get living their life and take control of how they look and feel.

Get motivated… make the decision TODAY to finally learn an exact proven method of success that thousands of other women have discovered that changed their bodies and lives forever.

I want you to realize that by trying the FITOVER40 methods, you have nothing to lose except for that stubborn “excess body fat” that has cursed you for years. I’ve always offered a 100% unconditional money back guarantee if you do not successfully lose belly fat and/or be slimmer and more fit and energetic in 60 days.
You have a full 8 weeks to review the program, start applying all of the techniques, and see for yourself as the fat starts to disappear and your body starts to change before your very eyes, uncovering that slimmer, sexier you that you’ve always knew is somewhere underneath! If you are not satisfied and don’t get the results you wanted, your money will be immediately refunded. It’s that simple!

You might ask why I am foolish enough to offer a money back guarantee. I am confident that once you see your new sexy toned body developing, you’ll be completely satisfied and telling all your friends.

As the founder of the FITOVER40 program I promise you I’m genuinely invested in helping you achieve your fitness goals and improving your quality of life forever. Just look at some of the testimonials above from all the women that are using my program now. You can see that this program actually delivers on everything I’m promising you.

By now I hope that you realize that this FITOVER40 program that is specifically designed for women over 40 who struggle with weight loss will work for you as it has worked so well for thousands of other women in your same situation.

The fact that you’ve gotten this far shows that you are genuinely interested in finding a solution to your struggle to lose weight. I know that my clients are very intelligent and more sophisticated because in fact; they are in their 40’s.

As you can see from my results and testimonials, I’m not some internet marketer that uses “fake” stock photos of other people. I’m the Real Deal with over 26 years of successfully helping women to look and feel fit; fabulous and sexy!

I’ve always been adamant about delivering what I promise to my clients. The quality of my products and customer service are second to none. I do everything possible to make sure you are satisfied and you get the results you expect; (I know I would)!
After all, that’s really what it’s all about… YOUR RESULTS!

Just think, depending on how much you need to tighten up or how much fat you still need to lose, in just a few short weeks, you could be FINALLY fitting into those tight jeans, slinky dress, or skimpy bikini you’ve been secretly hiding away for the day to come when you can show off your newly slim toned body!

Let’s remove that last bit of doubt that you’re feeling, I’ve negotiated with 7 of the best world-renowned fitness professionals on the planet, to offer several of their top notch products to you as bonuses with this package. However, the deal I negotiated with them only allows me to offer these to you for a very limited time.

However, I wanted to make this program affordable for everyone, and a wise investment in a new sexy body, and a healthy lifestyle to maintain for life!

The above link will take you to our guaranteed secure server and you can instantly download the printable PDF format E-book package and start reading. Instead of waiting for a typical package in the mail, you can download this program immediately and get started on your new body in just minutes from now (depending on the speed of your computer)!

You can choose to read the program on your computer, or print it out to read anytime, anywhere.

In just a few minutes, you’ll be able to download and start absorbing the info in the program and see for yourself why this program is currently the #1 selling FITOVER40 ebook in the world.

Clicking the above order button will take you to a secure page for the transaction by Clickbank, the most popular online retailer of digital products in the world. Upon confirmation of your order, you will immediately be redirected to a download page to download the e-book program as well as the free bonuses. If you have a high speed internet connection, the downloads usually take less than a minute. The e-book download and free bonuses will be in PDF format, so you will need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open the files. Most computers already have Adobe Reader installed, but if you don’t currently have it, a free download is available once you’re on the download page. If you’re still unsure if “FITOVER40″ package is right for you or have any question, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Get ready to find that slim body and energy!

Brett YokleyCertified Nutrition Expert
6-Time Nationally Certified Personal Trainer
Author – FITOVER40
Founder –

P.S. Don’t delay any longer in developing the body of your dreams! People that keep putting off their goals rarely ever get around to pursuing them. STOP procrastinating and making LAME excuses for why you aren’t in the shape you want to be in! Arm yourself with the knowledge TODAY to get the sexy tight body you want, and then ACT on it!

NO MORE EXCUSES… Start Living Your Life. Order NOW before the bonus package expires!

The First Complete Weight-Control Program Designed Specifically for Women Over 40

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