Wednesday, November 29, 2017

To Maximize Fat Loss and Muscle Gains, Follow the 10 Commandments of Weightlifting

You have your sights set on booty gains! Or a six-pack. Or chiseled arms of steel. You’ve heard so much about how weightlifting is a must, and you’re finally ready (although a little nervous) to get your hands on a barbell. If this sounds familiar, follow these 10 rules to make weightlifting fun, burn the most fat, reap muscle gains faster, and prevent getting hurt.

1. Thou Shalt Use Proper Form

Whether you work with a personal trainer or take a class, proper form is the absolute most important thing when lifting weights. Proper form ensures that you’re not only doing the moves correctly to get the most out of them, but also lifting the most amount of weight you can, which will make you stronger, faster. Proper form will also prevent injuries that could sideline you from the gym. Whether exercises are old or new, have someone critique your form, perform in front of a mirror, or take a video so you can check form for yourself.

2. Thou Shalt Commit to Three Times a Week

Three times a week is the minimum amount of days you should strength train if you’re focusing on total-body moves during those sessions. If you like working one part of the body at a time, fitness instructor John Kersbergen says to aim for three to five sessions per week. The same with running, cycling, or dancing – the more you do it, the better you’ll get at it.

3. Thou Shalt Work All Parts of the Body

Maybe you’re all about growing your booty, but that doesn’t mean you should forget about your arms! Or your back, or your abs, or your legs. Your sessions should address all parts of your body. Lucky for you, moves like thrusters, deadlifts, and overhead squats work multiple parts of the body, so they’re great to do if you’re short on time.

4. Thou Shalt Use a Variety of Equipment

Barbells are essential for lifting heavy and doing basic, effective moves like squats and deadlifts, but they’re not the only piece of equipment in the weightlifting sea. Explore using dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, and machines if you have access to them. You can also use other types of equipment, like pull-up bars and rings, for moves that involve your own bodyweight. Or use weights in conjunction with a box or resistance bands for a double whammy.

5. Thou Shalt Perform a Variety of Exercises

The basic squat may be the perfect, basic move to…

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