Tuesday, November 28, 2017

This Man's 90-Pound Weight Loss Came From Weight Watchers and the Support of Strong Women

Kevin is surrounded by two strong, determined women. His sister Lindsey and his girlfriend, Megan, (who also happen to be good friends!) decided to get healthy and lose weight together, and their positive influence ended up bringing out the best in Kevin, too. Seeing the success they had on their diet and exercise program, he wanted to lose weight, too.

Kevin: Before and After

Since starting Weight Watchers, Kevin has lost 90 pounds – 90 percent of his 100-pound goal. He feels healthy and confident, and for the first time in his life, he feels like he can sustain his lifestyle.

POPSUGAR: What made you decide to start your weight-loss journey?

Kevin Minnick: A few months after Megan and Lindsey started their Weight Watchers journey, we went to the horse races and I drank too much and ate too much and was beating myself up for how heavy I was. Megan had asked me to join Weight Watchers before but I declined. On the way home, she asked me again, and this time I agreed!

PS: What made you choose Weight Watchers?

KM: When I was in college, after I gained a lot of weight after I broke my neck in a motorcycle accident, I did a medically assisted weight-loss program. The medication worked well, but as soon as I stopped taking it, I gained the weight back because all the pill did was make me not hungry. I hadn’t learned how to positively change my lifestyle.

After that, my go-to approach to losing weight was just eliminating fried foods. I was always able to do it for a week and then would find myself eating poorly soon after. Weight Watchers was a logical fit because Megan and Lindsey were already doing it with great success!

PS: What’s your favorite way to work out?

KM: I love to get swole! My favorite way to work out is lifting, and I like to go to Spin class for cardio.

Weight Watchers has given me a blueprint for healthy living. For the first time, I finally understand how to eat responsibly and make better decisions.

I like to work out with friends! I’m into trying new things with friends like BeachBody workouts and barre classes! Trying new things with new people keeps it spicy and makes the act of working out more fun!

PS: What’s your weekly exercise schedule?

KM: I lift three days a week and do cardio one to two days a…

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