Thursday, November 23, 2017

This Is the Daily Cardio Workout That Helped Alicia Lose 80 Pounds

Looking at Alicia now, you would never guess that she once struggled with her health. But she once weighed 232 pounds, and she got to a point where she knew she couldn’t live like that anymore. She chose to get vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG), a popular surgery that speeds up weight loss. But Alicia told POPSUGAR that this wasn’t the primary source of her weight loss. “Although I had surgery to help me with weight loss, I know it wasn’t a magic solution. It only got me from 232 to 185 pounds,” she said.

From there, Alicia had to put in a lot of hard work to get her health and fitness on track. “I had to up my workouts from walking to rigorous daily training,” she said. There was one point where she would take two cycling classes in one day. Her hard work paid off, though. She’s lost 80 pounds so far!

She admits she “pushed myself to become fit,” and the results didn’t show up overnight. “I didn’t have fast results,” Alicia said, but the persistence and dedication she built up as a result turned out to be her greatest strength. “I sincerely work out six days a week without fail,” she explained. “I mentally wake up and remind myself about all the times I quit before, and how I am never going to be a quitter again.”

She’s also accomplished a lot in terms of fitness. Alicia is currently training for a double weekend series race where she runs a half marathon and a 10K. “I am running about 15 to 20 miles a week,” she said.

As for a nonscale victory, Alicia says she’s finally able to do her favorite workout, Pilates. “I couldn’t have done it at my heaviest,” she recalls. Along with these changes in her fitness plan, she also revamped her diet and ate as clean as she possible could.

For anyone out there who is feeling discouraged on their own weight-loss journey, Alicia says, “Stay positive, put your tunnel vision glasses on and only see the best version of yourself with every drop of sweat and every clean meal you consume.”

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