Tuesday, November 28, 2017

5 Exercise Modifications For Bad Knees and A Low-Impact Workout Plan

Working your legs is essential for your overall fitness! After all, your legs not only move you, but as the largest muscles in your body they help you perform those big calorie-burning exercises which bump up your metabolism. The problem is that bad knees can get in the way—and they’re a common problem. One study from Gallup-Healthways found that 26% of the adult population in the United States suffers from knee pain. Injuries, surgeries, arthritis and runner’s knee—there are many reasons you might be experiencing knee pain, but it should never cause you to skip leg day. We’re here to show you the best exercises for bad knees so you can strengthen your legs without putting stress on your knees. Learn the leg exercises for bad knees below and then we’ll show you both strength and cardio options so you can get a full-length workout done that won’t hurt your joints.

5 Exercise Modifications For Bad Knees

Most knee pain actually stems from a lack of strength in your legs. How’s that for ironic? Yes, strengthening the muscles around your knee joint is one of the best ways to protect you from knee pain. There are all kinds of ways you can work your legs by either modifying traditional leg moves and choosing moves that are effective but more gentle on your knees. Here are five great exercise modifications for bad knees.

1. Swap Out Your Squats

The big daddy of all leg moves, squats are a must do! If you have knee pain, however, you might have already decided they are a must don’t. So…

Try: Stability Ball Wall Squats

Instead of a traditional squat, grab a stability ball, place it between your mid-back and the wall. These squats for bad knees will still help you work your lower body without putting pressure on your joints.

  • Lean slightly back against the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of you and begin your squat.
  • Not only will this take some pressure off your knees, but you’ll also be able to adjust the move on the fly to suit your own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Get a feel for this and then add some dumbbells in your hand to make it harder.

Tip: Choose your range of motion—go lower if you can, but stay higher if your knee pain kicks in. The key is to sit back as you squat and keep all your weight in your heels!

2. Reverse Your Lunges

Another essential move for toned legs, lunges work not only your leg muscles but, when done properly, they also…

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