Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Stubborn Fat To Abs

Product Name: Stubborn Fat To Abs

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Getting rid of stubborn fat is like solving a 5-piece puzzle. There are five essential elements that make this program so effective. Some of them you might have heard of… Some of them you’ve might have even tried unsuccessfully in the past. Whatever the case might be, if you haven’t gotten rid of stubborn fat till now, it’s because you never applied all five of these together.

If there’s one thing we know with certainty from nutritional science, it’s that a high protein intake is key when it comes to muscle-mass retention and development – especially during caloric deficits . Protein is the most muscle-sparing, satiating and thermically-active macronutrient. In case those last lines where a bit complicated, let me elaborate a bit.

#2 Cycled caloric restriction

For the average person, a moderate caloric restriction plus a few strength workouts per week – can gradually lead to a strong and lean physique. The same approach will work for people with Stubborn Fat in the beginning, until… well, until it doesn’t (3)(4)(5).

Stubborn fat is very resistant to moderate/small caloric deficits. Sure they might work a little bit in the beginning, but as we said, eventually you hit a plateau after which you either don’t change at all – or you even start looking worse! This is because the body adapts to dieting and fat loss in a way that slows down fat loss and increases muscle-breakdown.

The way you break this pattern is by going on an aggressive caloric deficit for a while, after which you then switch to a week where you eat close to maintenance (with some other tweaks such as increasing carbs). This way you avoid metabolic adaptations that caloric deficits can cause (6)(7)(8).

#3 High frequency training (Short daily workouts)

Every time you strength train, a short-term increase in protein-synthesis occurs. What the heck is muscle protein-synthesis (MPS)!? Muscles grow by repairing small micro-tears that occur during strength-related exercise. When the muscle experiences these tears, blood flow to the area increases, bringing with it the necessary components for repair through MPS. The repaired muscle is then stronger and larger than it was before (9) (10).

Maintaining a positive balance of muscle protein in the body (MPS must exceed muscle protein breakdown) is key for building muscle while burning fat (which is your goal). Why is that? Because just losing weight is not our goal – losing stubborn-fat is! If you’re just losing weight, and a lot of that is muscle, that only means that less of it is fat (and even less of that is stubborn fat). Result? You might lose some pounds but you’ll probably end up looking worse.

Other benefits of frequent training during Stubborn Fat Loss:

#4 Maximize muscle retention (Mind-to-Muscle techniques)

Although freely available to everyone and scientifically proven – applying mind-to-muscle techniques (MMT) still remains one of the most neglected training techniques. In simple words, MMT teaches you simple cues you can apply in any strength-related exercise to maximize muscle-tension. As shown in studies, by using MMT you can increase muscle tension up to 30% (and more in my opinion). This leads to a broader and deeper activation of muscle fibers (11).

Minimizing muscle-loss during your diet is key for getting rid of stubborn fat.  One of the most important observations I’ve made as a coach the last couple of years is the following. People who seem to be doing everything right training-wise and still struggle to build muscle – have more often than none the same weakness… They have such a lack of understanding in terms of how an exercise should feel and how much they should push themselves that causes them a big lack of engagement in their workouts. They have a big gap between mind and muscle. They use too much momentum in favor of getting more reps with less effort (therefore less muscle-tension). They use bad form that puts more pressure on their joints and connective tissue instead of their muscles.

After two years of teaching these techniques directly to people I coach personally or indirectly to the rest of the world out there through some of my best-selling short-reads on Kindle and my Youtube Channel – are remarkable.

#5 Intermittent fasting and Stubborn Fat loss

Intermittent fasting (for those not familiar with the term) could be described as skipping breakfast to extend your none-eating window during sleep for a couple of more hours. Yes, breakfast has been considered as the healthiest meal of the day for decades now but guess what… that’s just another nutritional myth. Do you think our cavemen ancestors had a fridge in their cave to snack off the moment they woke up?

So how does intermittent fasting help with stubborn fat loss? Well, we’ll have to get a bit sciency here once again so once again bear with me if you find these things boring…

The major hormones that influence fat-loss are called catecholamines (aka noradrenaline and adrenalin) and their release promotes fat breakdown for energy (among with a bunch of other processes in the body).Now, fat-cells have two types of catecholamine receptors (think of these as locks that open up these cells, allowing fat oxidation when the right hormone is present). These are called Alpha receptors and Beta receptors.  The Alpha ones are not as efficient as the beta – or in a way you could say they are more stubborn. So, guess which ones are more present in stubborn fat… You guessed right, the Alpha ones (12-16).

Another important problem with stubborn fat is blood flow.  Typically, blood flow to stubborn fat regions is very poor, and without adequate blood flow you can’t get the necessary hormones to “unlock” catecholamine receptors and mobilize fat (17).

Quick summary: How does Intermittent fasting burn stubborn-fat

10 minutes per day that can make dieting 30% easier!

This is a 10-minute video and audio course where I teach you all the basics you need to know to start practicing mindfulness meditation. After reading tons of books, doing online courses and going to 10-day silent retreats, meditation has become a big part of my life the last 4 years. It’s without a doubt the most foundational habit, on top of which someone can built other positive/health and fitness related habits.

If I had to summarize the biggest problem with dieting in a single sentence it would be something like this: We are simply too attached to immediate gratification in favor of long-term goals. Evolutionarily it makes sense to just grab and gobble that high-calorie, salty or sweet food item the moment we spot it in our periphery. It’s how our brain has been wired through hundreds of thousands of years dealing with food scarcity. It’s a survival mechanism.

Meditation for more self-discipline and willpower

By understanding our inner thought patterns during meditation, you begin understanding the difference between “wants” and “and needs”. Meditation trains you to be more aware of your impulses. It helps you make better on-the-spot decisions when you’re too emotional, tired and lacking self-restraint.  In a 2009 Duke University-Caltech study, scientists analyzed the brains of 37 dieters while they looked at 50 photos of various food, rating each by healthiness and taste. The findings showed that the “dorsolateral prefrontal cortex” was the section of the brain activated by people with high levels of willpower. It just so happens that this is the same area that is especially active during meditation, as evidenced by numerous research studies.

Meditation for less cravings

There are certain chemicals, like dopamine and endorphins, in the body/brain that when released make us feel better. These chemicals simply aim to decrease stress and are also produced during meditation. Since stress is one of the biggest reasons a lot of us mess-up our diets, meditation proves again to be a no-brainer while dieting.

Break muscle-building plateaus with 3-4 exercises max per day

Mind to muscle techniques (MMT) are extremely helpful when it comes to body recomposition (lose fat and gain muscle. Through MMT you learn to exploit untapped neuromuscular connections that hide great potential for muscle growth.  You start seeing strength-training more as a skill that can be refined with each workout. And by becoming the more skillful you become the more this translates into muscle growth and body recomposition. Applying these techniques while on a diet is key for successful body-recomposition.

Focus more, train less…

MMT produces superior muscle tension, not only on the targeted muscles of each exercise, but it also carries over and produce superior muscle-tension on  the rest of the surrounding/secondary targeted muscles. You might not feel it at that moment (because you’ll be focused on the main targeted muscles), but  trust me… you’ll feel it the next day! Because of this, the workout plans of this book contain daily short workouts where we can activate the whole body just by doing 3-4 exercises!

Especially when on you’re on a diet, strength progress begins to slow down a lot. But here are the good news! Because you’ve ignored MMT in your training so far, you have a big amount of neuromuscular potential that is still unused. By learning to apply these techniques, you re-boot your muscle-building mechanisms and as a result of that your body will look even more stronger and leaner again.

MMC teaches your neuromuscular system to fire up properly, and to induce superb muscle tension through razor focus and awareness.  The more you improve MMC, the more it allows you to take advantage of as much as possible of your body’s untapped potential for muscle-growth and recomposition.

If I had to summarize MMC in three sentences, it would be:

People with amazing physiques throughout history always mentioned  the importance of internal cues. Yet, in this day and age of information overload, most of us seem to neglect them. After all,  the strongest muscle of your body isn’t the back, chest or your legs… It’s your mind…

“The strongest muscle of the body is the mind”

Get started now! Click on the “Add to Cart” button bellow and get rid of stubborn fat once and for all!

For any questions related to this Book feel free to contact me

My name is Anthony Arvanitakis. I have an academic background in Sport’s Science and Physical  and Physical Education and I’m a 3-TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR in fitness related categories on I’ve been also featured on websites such as: The Art of Manliness (one of the largest independent men’s lifestyle websites in the world), (No. 1 ranked website in categories  such as “Lifestyle – Men’s Sites” category ) and  T-nation (one of the most  top 5 Strength training websites in the world).

(1) Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation

(2) Diet induced thermogenesis

(3) The role of exercise and physical activity in weight loss and maintenance.Look at the following studies:

(4) The role of diet and exercise for the maintenance of fat-free mass and resting metabolic rate during weight loss:

(5) Impact of different training modalities on anthropometric and metabolic characteristics in overweight/obese subjects: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.

(6) Redman, L.M., et al. Metabolic and behavioral compensations in response to caloric restriction: implications for the maintenance of weight loss. PLoS ONE. 2009. 4(2):e4377.

(7) Dynamic strength training improves insulin sensitivity and functional balance between adrenergic alpha 2A and beta pathways in subcutaneous adipose tissue of obese subjects.

(8) Reading the following article helps if you need more information on how to understand the above studies

(9) Muscle protein synthesis in response to nutrition and exercise

(10) The time course for elevated muscle protein synthesis following heavy resistance exercise.

(11) Regarding Mind to Muscle Technique, look at the following studies

(12) This article covers up everything with hyperlinked studies , but you can also refer to the studies below for extra backed up information.

(13) Resting metabolic rate, fat-free mass and catecholamine excretion during weight loss in female obese patients.

(14) Lipolytic catecholamine resistance linked to alpha 2-adrenoceptor sensitivity–a metabolic predictor of weight loss in obese subjects. :

(15) Expression of human alpha 2-adrenergic receptors in adipose tissue of beta 3-adrenergic receptor-deficient mice promotes diet-induced obesity. :

(16) Dynamic strength training improves insulin sensitivity and functional balance between adrenergic alpha 2A and beta pathways in subcutaneous adipose tissue of obese subjects.

(17) Role of alpha 2-adrenoceptors in normal and atherosclerotic human coronary circulation.

Get started now! Click on the “Add to Cart” button bellow and get rid of stubborn fat once and for all!

Copyright 2017 – HomeMade Muscle – All Rights Reserved

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Stubborn Fat To Abs is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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