Sunday, November 26, 2017

Kaitlyn Is Down 78 Pounds – 53 Just From Weightlifting

After a traumatic breakup from a long-term partner, Kaitlyn turned to food as a comfort and eventually hit her highest weight at 225 pounds. But things took a turn when she used exercise as a solace for depression. The Arizona-based engineer picked up weightlifting and almost immediately noticed the results on her body, but also on her mood and her brain. Her tips are practical and positive, and show just how much we can be capable of when we keep working hard and set goals.

Kaitlyn: Before

POPSUGAR: What made you decide to start your weight-loss journey?

Kaitlyn van Brunschot: I was fresh out of a six-and-a-half-year relationship and felt completely lost. I initially started my journey with weightlifting just to fill my time. Very quickly I began to realize that lifting weights made me feel great! It gave me so much confidence, so I just kept doing it. It’s funny how quickly you can change, because it’s been almost a year now and I have such a passion for fitness. I never thought I’d be the person that I am today!

I gained a lot of weight when my partner cheated on me. I turned to food to feel better about myself. I used food as a means of reward to feel better. Couple that with a relatively sedentary lifestyle and you’ve got a perfect recipe for weight gain!

PS: What drew you to weightlifting specifically?

KV: I started lifting weights because cardio always left me feeling drained. So I tried weightlifting! I was fortunate enough to have a good friend show me how to do deadlifts and squats, and that’s all I did for months. Slowly I started branching out and trying new things.

“Once you trust yourself and have faith in your own abilities, then everything will fall into place!”

I have had this idea that I needed to diet or work out since I was 12 years old. That’s more than half of my life! I kept thinking to myself that I’ll dedicate my time to it later. After next semester. After the Summer. After I get my bachelor’s degree. Little did I realize that I was just putting off my efforts for years. I’ve tried swimming, DVD programs, and plain old cardio. None of them worked because I wasn’t ready for the lifestyle change, nor did I believe in myself. I’ve learned that just having the belief that you can change is…

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