Saturday, November 25, 2017

An Instructor Gets Real on Why You Aren't Seeing Results From Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling is one of the best forms of exercise, and I am not just saying that because I’m an instructor. I have been a runner, a swimmer, and an HIIT fan. Cycling provides what I like best about all of those activities. It has the intensity of a boot camp, the cardio and toning elements of swimming, and the challenges of running. And like swimming, it is easy on your joints so it can be a lifelong sport. Most of us don’t walk into an indoor cycling class with expert knowledge, so today’s coaching session is going to help you get the most out of your ride every time.

It’s All About the Prep

You should never walk in off the street and jump on a bike and start pedaling. It starts with wearing the right gear, like moisture-wicking clothing. Cycling shoes, while not a requirement, are recommended since sneakers are not designed to take the constant pressure of cycling in and out of the saddle. You also need to adjust your bike properly, have water and towels handy, and arrive early enough to get set up. Also get some pedaling action in before class. If your legs aren’t lubricated and warm by the time the first drill begins, you will be working from a deficit.

Listen to the Instructor

Instructors design a class to maximize several factors: muscle conditioning, heart rate training, muscle endurance, power, and speed. Whether your bike has a lever or a knob, you should be adjusting it pretty much the entire class, listening to your instructor’s cues. The ride should simulate a real outdoor experience, which even if you live in the flatlands of Texas like me, you’ll find a hill or two around. So when your instructor tells you to add or subtract resistance, listen and obey. They have a specific training goal in mind for you. Isn’t that why you’re there, instead of sitting on a bike in the gym, training yourself? Let us guide you! Of course, if it becomes too hard or you need a break, always feel free to slow down until you are ready to go again. Cycling, like yoga, is a practice, and you need to listen to your body above all things.

Know How to Pace Yourself

In a closely related topic, you achieve more in class if you can figure out if you are working TOO HARD. That’s right, you may be overdoing it, which can impact your efficiency and fitness…

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