Thursday, November 23, 2017

Here's When It's OK to Work Out Sick, According to a Doctor

There are plenty of reasons why someone would want to skip a workout, like being busy with other things, hungover, or just straight-up tired. Maybe the best reason of them all is that you’re sick. But in a culture that celebrates people who push themselves to the very limit (sometimes when it shouldn’t), you might feel guilty for taking a break. When it comes to exercising, it can be hard to tell when a cough or sneeze warrants a rest day . . . or two or three. That’s why we talked to Darla Klokeid, MD, a Seattle-based family medicine physician at One Medical, to tell us when it’s OK to grab your Lululemon leggings and when a day binge-watching Netflix is totally necessary.

When Should You Absolutely Not Work Out When You’re Sick?

“A no go is if you have a fever,” Klokeid said. “Exercise can actually decrease your immunity, so when you’re in the fever stage of illness and you exercise, you’re hurting your body’s ability to defeat it,” she continued. Body aches are another sign to hang up the Nikes for a while because exercise will make you feel even worse. Shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting are all other red flags that you need to stay in bed.

So Does That Mean That You Can Work Out If It’s Just a Cold?

In the best-case scenario, people won’t work out at all when they’re sick, even with a cold, Klokeid said. You give yourself a better chance of bouncing back by resting during illness. But if you’re going to exercise, “The rule of thumb I use is above the neck. If you have congestion and a runny nose and you don’t have a fever, I think it’s fine,” she explained. However, the initial three to four days of a cold is prime time for your body to fight off the illness. So if you’re itching to get back to the gym on the fifth day of your cold, consider this a green light.

If You’re Feeling Under the Weather, What Kinds of Exercises Should You Steer Clear Of?

Sorry, runners and CrossFitters! “The more vigorous [the exercise], the more stress on your immune system,” Klokeid said. The aim is to keep stress on your sick body to a minimum. So lower the intensity of your usual workout and avoid the hardcore stuff. Walking on the treadmill and yoga are good options.

Is It Better to Stick With More Cardio or Weight Training When You’re Sick?

“Weight training is slightly better for you, but it still stresses the body, but…

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