Friday, November 24, 2017

Nicole Ate Tacos and Pizza Almost Every Night – and Dropped 50+ Pounds

Losing weight isn’t easy, but that didn’t stop Nicole from reaching her goals. She went from battling depression to working out with a personal trainer and learning to cook her own healthy meals, and now she’s down 50 pounds! She says she feels better than ever, and she assures us that anyone can make the changes she did as long as they stick to their guns. Here’s her full story.

POPSUGAR: When did you start your weight-loss journey? What made you decide to?

Nicole Napolitano: I started in April 2017. Even though I’ve always been somewhat overweight, I reached my heaviest weight ever – 265 pounds – back in February 2017. I was floored. I didn’t realize I had gotten that heavy. I felt defeated and fell into an awful depression that edged on suicidal. It felt like I wasn’t in control of making any changes because of my anxiety. But Fit Girls Guide made weight loss look fun, so I decided one day, with the encouragement and support of my boyfriend, to just try it out. I had nothing to lose (but weight!).

PS: How much weight have you lost so far?

NN: I’ve lost 50 pounds so far and plan on losing more.

PS: How did you do it? Did you follow a specific diet?

NN: I followed the meal plan and workout calendar provided by Fit Girls Guide’s 28-Day Jumpstart. One night, I’ll be making tacos and the next night I’ll be making pita pizza. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t follow the meal plan to a T day by day – I would just make sure that if I was going to go off the books, so to speak, I was still turning to foods that seemed to be healthy, not processed – low in sugar, fresh, etc. I learned how to cook healthy and make better choices when dining out without feeling like I would be shamed if I went off the meal plan.

PS: Did you do a specific workout type or schedule?

NN: What I usually do is three rounds of a circuit followed by a half hour of cardio, four to five times a week. I have a trainer who comes to my gym two times a week to help me with my back problems, too, since I have a slipped disk in my lower back. He guides me in what I can and can’t do so that I don’t further injure myself.

PS: What are some nonscale victories you’ve experienced?

NN: The most exciting NSV I’ve experienced is wearing a crop top in public which I have never done – and I did it with confidence. I felt hot! Also,…

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