Tuesday, November 28, 2017

This 30-Minute Treadmill Workout Was Designed to Blast Away Belly Fat

If you’ve been feeling bored or disinterested in your cardio workouts lately, we’ve got just the remedy for you. Michael Olzinski, MSc, Purplepatch endurance coach and Equinox run coach, designed a 30-minute treadmill session for POPSUGAR that will have you sweating buckets in no time. This is an especially good run for someone who wants to see significant improvements in their strength and endurance – and it’s the perfect interval workout to help you get rid of unwanted belly fat.

“Sometimes we need to have a workout that we have a hard time completing all the way through, and then we measure progress by our ability to get closer and closer to that finish line,” Mike told POPSUGAR. Scared yet? Don’t be! This run is totally customizable to fit your fitness level and goals.

Mike says this workout starts out “simple and comfortable,” and if you feel like it’s too easy early on, that’s a good thing. “We really want to give you a chance to get your running form together, to feel good, to have some nice short intervals with long recovery,” he explained. “Then every interval will grow by 10 seconds, and at the same time the recovery will shorten by 10 seconds.” This is where it starts to get tough, but it’s nothing you can’t handle.

The Workout

“This workout is a very active session as far as changing speeds, but if you just pay attention and stick with your paces, it will fly by and you will get a great bang for your buck,” Mike explained. There are three speeds you’ll be working with, as described by Mike.

  • Moderate: “This should be a pace that you could run comfortably for a solid 30 to 40 minutes without too much cardiovascular stress. Don’t be too aggressive here; it’s better to be slightly understressed here than overstressed.”
  • Strong: “This is essentially 1 mph above your Moderate speed. This effort should push you to some labored breathing if you were to run for five minutes straight.”
  • Recovery: “This should be a very light pace that not only can you run or walk for a long time, but enough that your heart rate can actually lower slightly while you are in it.”

There are two main sets to this workout. The first plays with incline so you can get a good hill run, and the second is all about speed. When the intervals become really short, like only 10 seconds long, Mike suggests, “Your…

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