Monday, December 11, 2017

12 Days of Pre-Christmas Workouts to Help You Get Fitter Than Ever

With the holidays coming up fast, it’s safe to assume that you’ll be eating some awesome holiday treats – and maybe missing some workouts. And that’s totally OK. But what if we told you that we have 12 workouts lined up for you that will take the age-old 12 days of Christmas to a whole new level, making you the fittest you’ve ever been under the mistletoe? We thought that would get your attention!

Get your workout clothes on, because instead of writing a letter to Santa, we sent our holiday wish list to Sarah Chadwell, CPT and bikini competitor, asking her to give us a few Christmas miracle workouts that will save you time.

According to Sarah, “You have to be selective about what you spend your time doing. Not all exercises are created equal! Use workout routines that include bouts of higher intensity types of cardio and high-intensity circuit strength training. These two types of exercise will be highly effective for the biggest burn in just 20 to 30 short minutes.”

Here are her 12 favorite high-intensity workout circuits. Each workout is short but intense, so you’ll be in and out of the gym and right back to spreading holiday cheer.

Day 1

30-minute workout, 10 minutes each of the following:

  • Incline interval treadmill sprints: Use the “hill” setting so you only have to adjust speed. Sprint the inclines and walk or jog the flat portions.
  • Row sprints: Row as hard as you can for one minute, then row at a slower constant pace for two minutes. Repeat until the 10 minutes are over.
  • Stationary bike sprints: Pedal as hard as you can on a moderate to high resistance, then pedal at a slower steady pace for two minutes. Repeat until the 10 minutes are over.

Day 2

20- to 30-minute circuit, as many rounds as you can of the following:

Day 3

20- to 30-minute circuit, as many rounds as you can of the following:

Day 4

10 minutes of each:

  • Interval StairMaster sprints: Almost jog on the StairMaster for one minute, then slow the pace for two…

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