Monday, December 11, 2017

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 1 Month

We’re all about realistic fitness goals; after all, part of our motto is that we’ll never try to promise you can get six pack abs by Sunday or go from a size 12 to 6 overnight. But we do hear you when you say you want actionable ways to lose weight in a specific amount of time. Many people want to set a goal of losing 10 pounds in a month. While losing ten pounds in 30 days is not easy, it is doable if you really commit. This article includes practical advice on how to safely lose 10 pounds in a month—no fasting or crazy detoxes required. What will be required? Proper nutrition, exercise, and serious commitment. Ready to tackle your ten pound weight loss plan? Let’s get started.

1. Yes, You Need To Count Calories

It’s true that the kind of calories you eat matter (are they from healthy foods or processed, packaged TV dinners?) but the number of calories you’re consuming still matter, too. Weight loss isn’t easy, but you do have to remember this somewhat simple tenet of losing weight: burn more calories than you consume. How do you burn calories? Through exercise and also your resting metabolic rate. (Your resting metabolic rate is the number of calories you burn at rest, just by occupying your body. More on how to change that in a bit.) While everyone’s caloric needs are different, for the average woman who’s looking to lose weight, aiming to eat around 1,600 calories per day will help you drop pounds. Check out this sample day of 1,600 calories:

2. Eat Clean

Salad with avocado and greens

We always say “no one ever got fat by eating too many fruits and vegetables,” because it’s true. Fill up your plate with veggies, fruits, lean protein, and healthy fats with real ingredients. Say goodbye to processed, packaged foods and artificial ingredients. Get rid of your soda habit. Eliminate added sugars. These are the things that will change your diet for good, creating sustainable, life-long habits that boil down to Michael Pollan’s philosophy: “Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” By counting calories (as we said above, it does matter) and making those calories healthy and clean, you’ll have one half of your weight loss equation solved.

Related: 5 Ways To Simplify Healthy Eating

3. Combine Cardio and Strength

You can’t lose weight based on your dietary choices alone. Yes, it’s one half of the battle, but you won’t see any results without exercise. Many people get caught up in…

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