Tuesday, December 19, 2017

No Matter What Your Mood, We Have a Treadmill Workout For You

While there’s nothing quite like running outdoors, unruly weather sometimes makes it impossible. For those rainy or blustery days, there’s the trusty treadmill. Whether you’re a beginner runner or have a few marathons under your belt, we’ve got a running workout for you. From a run that mimics going up and down San Francisco hills to another that has you ascending a mountain, you’ll swear you’re actually running outside.

  • Getting started: If you’re new to running, then try our 40-minute beginner treadmill workout. The workout combines walking and running to get your heart rate up while also priming your body for distance and speed. If you feel like the workout is too easy or hard, then play around with the speed, but be sure to give your body time to adjust to the physical demands of running for the first time. Once you’re ready, try out our 300-calorie workout, or if you need something a bit shorter, try our 30-minute beginner treadmill workout.
  • Walk-jog workout: Once you’re feeling a bit more comfortable on the treadmill, give this workout that mixes walking and jogging a chance. The 60-minute workout alternates between walking briskly, jogging, and running slowly; plan to burn around 300 calories. If you’re in a rush, this 42-minute version will put you to work.
  • Switch to sprints: Once you feel like you’ve mastered the walk and jog combination, try stepping up the pace. This 30-minute interval workout is a great way to start increasing your speed. Mix up your routine with a sprinting and walking workout to help boost your endurance. Then, once you’re ready for a tough challenge, give this 60-minute interval workout a try.
  • Sweat like a celebrity: This 30-minute treadmill workout from celeb favorite Barry’s Bootcamp is full of intervals, hill work, and sprints, which will challenge both your endurance and your speed. Or give the 25-minute version a try. In short: these workouts are anything but boring. Get ready to push it.
  • Pyramid intervals: Keep boredom at bay with this 30-minute pyramid interval treadmill workout. By changing your running speed every minute, you’ll also be winning the war against weight gain. Have more time to spare? Up the ante with our 45-minute pyramid interval treadmill workout. If you have even less time to spare, you’ll love the challenge of this intense 25-minute pyramid interval workout; designed by a running coach, it will help you become a…

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