Sunday, December 10, 2017

Kristina Dropped 102 Pounds by "Doing Zero Exercise" in the First Year

Kristina went to the doctor and saw 250 pounds on the scale. That, along with a friend’s unexpected death, quitting her job, and getting accepted to her dream graduate school program across the country, inspired her to make a big change – so she did! Her weight-loss journey began in March 2014.

She found out about the ketogenic diet, which is basically a low-carb, high-fat diet, on Reddit. After doing a few hours of research, she made the switch. Starting in at around 250 pounds, she’s lost 102 pounds so far! Kristina told POPSUGAR, “I first hit 100 pounds down on my 25th birthday (Nov. 4, 2016), and have bounced around a bit since then.” She adds that a few stumbles are bound to happen on any weight-loss journey, “but I’m back at it and super close to a new low weight.”

When following the ketogenic diet, Kristina’s food intake is very low-carb (20 grams of net carbs per day), moderate in protein, and high in fat. She says, “I’ve counted calories from the beginning as well, because I do best with knowing the caloric value of my foods. Not everyone on keto tracks all their food, but it works for me. Right now I’m trying out new macros and going for high-protein, moderate-fat – I want to build muscles! But it’s still very low-carb.”

Kristina currently practices intermittent fasting, so she eats all her food between 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. every day. She says, “It fits well with my work schedule and I prefer fewer, bigger meals to feel full.” In the morning, she drinks an enormous coffee with MCT (medium chain triglycerides) oil, almond milk, half-and-half, and stevia. She eats eggs and bacon, then a huge salad with protein and a fatty dressing for lunch. “And then I’m done for the day! I drink at least a gallon of water a day, but don’t snack. I’ve tried to cut out snacks since the beginning, because I much prefer having a full meal.”

You may be surprised to hear that Kristina says, “I started off doing zero exercise, just focusing on my diet. I knew that if I changed too much, too fast, I’d burn out and quit. So for the first year on keto, I did essentially no exercise. I walked to school and took occasional yoga classes on campus, but nothing serious. I first joined a gym a year ago (in 2016, more than two years into keto) to get serious about exercise. I started off doing a lot of cardio, but now I’m focusing…

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