Monday, December 25, 2017

12 Things to Add to 2018 For a Healthier, Happier Year

In the New Year, there are some things you should cut back on to be healthier, but also so many things you should add in. The best part? They’re so simple – and many of them cost absolutely nothing. Try adding more of each of these to your day-to-day in 2018 to make this year so much better than the last.

  1. Movement. More movement, more health, more happiness. Adding in more walking, more taking the stairs, and more exercise (your favorite kinds!) will add more joy to your year.
  2. Green tea. Relax, but still get the alertness you need. A cup of green tea can give you a nice boost of energy with a healthy dose of antistress vitamins and minerals.
  3. Kindness. We could all use a little more. When people seem mean or negative, kill ’em with kindness. Regardless of how someone else behaves, you have the ability to control your response. The nicer you are, the better you’ll feel.
  4. Dance workouts. If 2016 taught us anything, it’s that a dance workout can cure even the worst of moods. For a workout that feels like a party, look to dance – and no, it doesn’t matter if you’ve never danced before or “don’t have rhythm!”
  5. Singing in the shower. Use those pipes! Singing can boost your mood, fight off mental illness, and combat pain.
  6. Meditation. Clear your head and add a sense of calm to your everyday. You can start meditation easily, at home (or in the office), for only five or 10 minutes each day.
  7. Water. Keep your body feeling great, headaches away, weight managed, and mood boosted – with water! Drinking more water can also clear your skin, boost your immune system, and help you perform better in your workouts.
  8. Oil diffusing. Another way to add some joy and a sense of calm? Use essential oils. Not only can you use different oils for different purposes (ranging from treating depression to curbing a sore throat), but oil diffusing makes your home smell fantastic.
  9. Sleep. Sleep is the key to weight loss, more energy, a better functioning body, and happiness. And the sad truth is that most of us don’t get enough of it! Make it a goal in 2018 to sleep more; aim for seven to eight hours.
  10. Vegetables. You don’t have to be a vegan to add more plant-based meals into your diet! We could all use a little more green in our lives – real food, lots of vitamins and minerals, and so many benefits. One woman made a goal of…

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