Friday, December 15, 2017

Crush All Your Fitness Goals With These 50 Must-Know Workout Tips

Whether you’re building up to a 5K, you want to grow your back muscles, or you want to get better at doing push-ups, these 50 tips will help you slay your fitness goals.

  1. Switch up your workout every time to keep your muscles guessing and to beat boredom. If you run outside, do your loop backward. When weight training, mix up the order of your moves.
  2. Multitask! Don’t just stand there doing bicep curls when you could be doing squats to tone your lower body at the same time. Try these multitasking moves that work more than one part of the body at once.
  3. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned exerciser, anyone can benefit from a session with a personal trainer. Schedule one every few months to ensure you’re continuing with proper form and to learn new moves to keep your fire for fitness alive.
  4. Muscle mass burns more calories than fat, so strength training is a must if you want to drop pounds. Include at least three 30-minute sessions each week, making sure to work every part of your body.
  5. Since you probably don’t own a sports bra for every day of the week you work out, while taking your post-workout shower, hand wash your sports bra and hang it on the rod to dry for tomorrow.
  6. Find ways to fit in fitness during your workday to burn some extra calories. Climb the stairs to use the bathroom on a different floor of your office building, take a walk during conference calls, and instead of sitting on a chair, sit on a stability ball or use a standing desk.
  7. Form when running or weightlifting is important for getting the most out of the exercise and also to avoid injury. Videotape yourself to make sure your form is spot-on.
  8. Work harder by creating instability. Stand on one leg or balance on a BOSU ball or stability ball while doing strength-training moves.
  9. Find a meaningful personal goal that alone will keep you motivated to work out.
  1. To avoid injury when increasing your mileage, follow the 10 percent rule: never increase your weekly mileage by more than 10 percent of the previous week.
  2. For maximum calorie-burning results, weightlifting is great, but you still should do cardio. HIIT (high-intensity interval training) cardio is the most effective, especially if you want to target belly fat.
  3. Stretch after a workout, not before! Do this stretching sequence to target the hips, hamstrings, and lower…

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