Wednesday, December 20, 2017

3 of the Most Effective Weight-Loss Tips, From Real Success Stories

Weight loss is hard. It’s not black and white, and it’s certainly not cookie cutter. There are struggles, setbacks, and times you might wonder, “Why did I even start? Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?” But with these stories from women who achieved their success in all different ways, we can gain a strong sense of hope.

There’s a different approach for everyone, and each woman’s winning combination of tools is different. That said, there are a few common themes that we’ve noticed again and again, ones that you can implement no matter what your body type, habits, or goals. We’ve interviewed women who have lost between 25 and 225 pounds; their three best tips (collectively) were about movement, mindful eating, and support systems. We’ll let them tell you exactly how these things worked in their journeys and how each contributed to their overall success.

Move More

Though some women really went hard and opted for six or more days of workouts, not everyone needed such a strenuous schedule to lose the weight. It’s just about moving more. For Katie who lost over 200 pounds and Brooke and Hailey who each lost over 100, each of them aimed to reach 10,000 steps per day, tracking with either a Fitbit or a phone app. Setting an attainable goal that equates to just walking a little bit extra is attainable and can add up over time. In fact, it’s one of celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak’s best weight-loss tips – and these women are living proof that it works.

“I have actually found that exercise replaced food as an excellent way to relieve stress and make me feel in control.”

If you’re already somewhat active, adding in some more workouts is key. For Kara (who lost 40 pounds), her key was variety. “I am a member at a couple of local fitness studios in our neighborhood that offer Spin, barre, yoga, and circuit classes; therefore, on the days we work our legs and booty, I’ll take a barre class with a friend. If cardio is on the schedule, I’ll take a Spin class. I work out five to six days a week.”

The more you move, the more it’ll become part of your daily routine. “I love working out and have actually found that it replaced food as an excellent way to relieve stress and make me feel in control,” said Hailey. “On an average week, I work out four to…

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