Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Want to Get Fit in 2018? This Trainer Lays Out the Perfect Beginner Plan

During this time of year, there is no shortage of tips and advice for getting fit and healthy. Although we’re indulging in all the goodness that comes with the holidays (hello, eggnog and pumpkin pie), we can’t help but think about the New Year’s resolutions that are just around the corner.

The mistake that many people make with their resolutions, though, is that they don’t give themselves specific ways to actually achieve these goals. But if you’re looking to get fit and feel strong next year, you’re in luck. Ridge Davis, personal trainer in West Hollywood, CA, has designed a plan for you to shape up and feel amazing in the gym, no matter what your fitness level may be!

Follow these four instructions from Ridge, and you’ll be crushing your goals in no time.

Aim to Do Your Workouts Before 8 a.m.

“I highly suggest my clients perform their workouts and/or cardio before 8 a.m. if possible,” Ridge told POPSUGAR. “Doing it first thing in the morning subconsciously makes one’s health a priority and builds a habit toward a healthier lifestyle.”

“I highly suggest my clients perform their workouts and/or cardio before 8 a.m. if possible.”

If you’re going to make one New Year’s resolutions this year, Ridge strongly recommends committing to waking up 30 minutes earlier every day. This gives you the chance to accomplish so much more, from drinking a tall glass of water to squeezing in a workout before you head to work.

Working out in the morning also causes your metabolism to spike, so your body “has more time available in the day to burn fat,” according to Ridge. All the endorphins you generate from sweating it out “give you great energy to start the day” as well. If you lock in this habit early on, you’ll see your fitness level increase on a daily basis.

Do Less Cardio, Lift More Weights

Step off the treadmill and get going in the weight room if you want to build lean muscle and see your strength skyrocket. Ridge says he works on “moderately heavy weight with short rest periods” with his female clients who want to get lean and fit.

“The focus is to properly build your glutes and hamstrings, as this will enhance your shape on a physiological level and keep you burning fat on a metabolic level,” he said. Although we like the idea of how booty gains look on our figures, it’s about so much more…

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