Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Do These 6 Things If You Want to Ditch Belly Fat For Good

If your waist is the first place pounds tend to creep up on, those are probably the pounds that are the hardest to lose. If you’ve been blessed with an apple-shaped body and you’re looking to slim your middle a bit, here’s what you need to do to lose your belly fat.

Be Kind to Yourself

Instagram is an endless source of inspiration, but seeing all those six-packs staring back at you can make you feel really self-conscious if you’re struggling with a little belly fat. Remember that we all have a little squishiness, and it in no way measures what an amazing person you are. It’s also OK to want a slimmer middle; just be sure you’re going about it in a healthy way and setting realistic goals. Talk to yourself the way you’d talk to your best friend. Be positive and love yourself along your journey to a flatter tummy.

Do Cardio, but Not Just Any Kind

Unfortunately you can’t pick and choose where you want weight to melt away, so instead of doing crunches, you need to do cardio to lose your overall body fat. While running, biking, and swimming are excellent ways to burn calories, incorporating high-intensity intervals has been proven to target stubborn belly fat. You can add 30- to 60-second speed bursts into your regular workout or try this 45-minute HIIT workout to shrink your belly.

Don’t Forget About Your Muscles

Cardio burns fat, but so does having muscle mass. If you want to effectively reduce your body fat percentage, which will help diminish the roundness in your belly, fitness instructor John Kersbergen says you must also include strength training.

Bodyweight moves are great, but to lose weight faster and more efficiently, add weights to your routine. And the order of what you do in the gym matters, too. Natalie Carey, certified trainer and sports nutritionist at DIAKADI Fitness, says to do strength training first, then cardio, since strength training increases the “afterburn effect.”

Also, instead of focusing on core-specific moves, do full-body moves like the squat to overhead press. These types of exercises save time by working multiple body parts while simultaneously engaging your core.

Abs Really Are Made in the Kitchen

You’ve probably heard this before, and it’s the truth! You can’t outrun a bad diet. If you exercise every day, but your diet is terrible,…

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