Friday, December 29, 2017

6 Expert Tips to Help You Get Fitter Than Ever in 2018

If you’re just starting out at the gym for the first time, it can be a daunting task to embark on solo. Just remember, though, that every single fitness trainer and guru you look up to began in exactly the same place you’re in now – and if they can get to where they are, so can you.

Whether you’re training for a half-marathon for the first time or learning how to lift weights, these general fitness tips will help you reach your goals. And they’re straight from the experts, so you know you’re in for something good. Let these nuggets of advice be your greatest allies as you get fitter and healthier in 2018.

Make Yourself a Plan, but Start Out Slow

It’s always a good idea to start off with a program, whether it’s an online program like BBG, a program created for you by your trainer, or one you made up for yourself. Whatever you decide to do, though, make sure you take your time at the beginning, because biting off more than you can chew will set you up for failure in the long run.

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, so expect to see good but steady results over time.”

“Rome wasn’t built in a day, so expect to see good but steady results over time,” Kristi Castlin, bronze medalist in the 2016 Rio Olympics for the 100-meter hurdles, told POPSUGAR. Rather than trying to run five miles on your first day, slowly work your way up to it. The same goes for strength training. You won’t be able to squat your bodyweight in the first month, so make sure you’re slowly leading up to those big goals.

Start Strength Training More Often

Cardio is a great way to burn calories, build endurance, and strengthen your cardiovascular system, but if you want to get really fit and see significant changes in your body, you have to lift weights more regularly. That’s how you build visible lean muscle and achieve that gorgeous toned look.

“Weightlifting raises your resting metabolic rate, which simply means the amount of calories your body burns in and out of the gym increases,” added Ridge Davis, a personal trainer in West Hollywood, CA. If weight loss is on your agenda for 2018, weightlifting is for you.

Do More Compound Lifting Than Isolated Movements

Although exercises like donkey kicks and bicep curls have their place, it makes much more…

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