Friday, December 8, 2017

Here's Every Step Megan Took to Lose 37 Pounds

After a trip to Las Vegas with her boyfriend, Kevin, and his sister, Lindsey, Megan realized just how uncomfortable she was in her own body. She decided that it was time to make a change in her health and lose weight together with her boyfriend and friend – it would be a team effort!

Megan: Before

Megan with her boyfriend, Kevin.

The three opted for Weight Watchers and individually have seen so much personal success, but they couldn’t have done it without the strength of and support from their team effort. Ahead you’ll see Megan’s story detailing her 37-pound weight loss, read about her healthy-eating tips, hear some words of wisdom about ordering at restaurants (no shame!), and get some ideas for a new smartwatch fitness tracker.

POPSUGAR: What made you decide to start your weight-loss journey?

Megan Murphy: We [Megan, Kevin, and Lindsey] got back from Vegas and were reviewing photos from our trip, and I was disappointed with what I saw. That Summer had been a series of “quick fix” attempts at dropping some weight before events, and Vegas was no different. It had reached a point where I wasn’t only upset with the photos but I was constantly uncomfortable with my body.

PS: What drew you to Weight Watchers? Had you tried other programs before?

MM: What haven’t I tried?! I have a bachelor’s degree in dietetics, so I know the science of a balanced diet and understand nutrition and food chemistry but was never quite able to make it work for me. I loathe counting calories, and as soon as you tell me I can’t have something, I want it so much more.

I had heard of Weight Watchers a hundred times over and had known people who were very successful on the program – and knowing that nothing was off limits with Weight Watchers was a big deciding factor for me. I also loved that the new program had a greater emphasis on exercise! It really pushed me to get back in the gym.

PS: What’s your favorite way to work out?

MM: I love to run. I enjoy sprinting, distance running, circuit training, interval runs, you name it. I like to balance my week with some intense cardio like running, or sprinting and lifting, or HIIT workouts.

“It’s nice to have other people pushing you to follow through and go to the gym. Accountability is…

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