Friday, December 22, 2017

Mandy Moore Opens Up About Self-Esteem – and Why She Never Weighs Herself

Mandy Moore is known across the world as America’s sweetheart, and she’s loved more than ever for her lead role as Rebecca Pearson in the tear-jerking, award-winning show This Is Us. Mandy has donned the January cover of Shape magazine, and not only does she look more gorgeous and healthy than ever, but she’s passing along some seriously useful health and wellness advice.

As a stunning woman in Hollywood who is adored by countless people, you might expect Mandy to be a perfectionist when it comes to her fitness routine. Quite the contrary, though. “There’s no real endgame for me with fitness,” she shared. “I’ve always been the girl who goes by how my clothes fit.”

As for the scale? Well, she got rid of that old, clunky thing a while ago. “I don’t weigh myself – I just like to feel good in my body,” she shared. Amen to that! “I don’t deprive myself,” she continued. “I eat well to feel good, not to look good.” And it seems to be working well for her, because she’s more vibrant and radiant than ever.

Mandy has been through quite a lot of changes these past few years, which only makes it that much more inspiring to see her so content with herself. “If you were to tell me two years ago that I’d be talking about my life in this way with you, I would have said that you were crazy. My life has changed exponentially in that short time,” she said.

After divorcing Ryan Adams after six years of marriage in 2014, she’s now happily engaged to the love of her life, Ryan Goldsmith. They’re finally able to settle down. “My man and I found a house and are doing renovations. When we move, I’ll feel like I finally have a place to hang my hat,” she gushed. “And we can start a family, hopefully sooner rather than later, and establish our own traditions.”

In the midst of her busy schedule, Mandy still stays fit and exercises every chance she gets. Plus, she’s got some fitness goals she wants to accomplish. “I do want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. That’s a bucket list item – maybe on the next hiatus,” she said. “I’ve already told Taylor that I may incorporate it into the honeymoon.” Badass.

In the interview, Mandy also opened up about what it was like to battle self-esteem issues herself. “When I was 12 or 13, I…

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