Wednesday, December 13, 2017

28-Day Real Results Challenge

Raise your hand if you’re sick of detoxes, diet fads, and marketing schemes that promise a “six pack by Saturday?” (I know I am!) Real, mature women are past the phase of wanting someone to tell them they can lose “10 pounds in 2 days.” I call BS on anyone who guarantees you can lose tons of weight or completely change your body in the span of a few days. And by the way, I know that as you get older you feel like it’s harder to see results anyway, right? SO, maybe you are following the wrong workout plan! If you want real results, you need workouts that WORK and the motivation to stick with them for longer than a weekend. If you’re anything like me, you just want a practical way to see real, tangible results. What’s the answer?

A workout program that will help strengthen your body and help burn calories, leaving you feeling energized, capable, and motivated to keep going. Our 28-Day Real Results Challenge is just that: a month-long workout program designed by REAL Get Healthy U TV trainers. We know what works when it comes to seeing real results, and we’ve designed this month-long program specifically to help you start seeing them. Now, will you drop 20 pounds? NO, because that wouldn’t be safe. But will you start to burn fat, define your muscles, and see that number on the scale start to move? You bet. Plus, along the way our trainers will be motivating you to keep going through weekly emails and inspiration!

How This 28-Day Challenge Works

The Get Healthy U TV trainers created this 28-Day Challenge to whip you into shape, challenge you, and help you develop consistent habits. By signing up for this 28-Day Trainer Challenge, you’ll get:

  • A 28-Day Workout Calendar that includes a mix of strength, cardio, low-impact, yoga, Pilates, and more to challenge your muscles, make you sweat, and start to see results.
  • A GOLD Membership to Get Healthy U TV for only $20 for your first year!
  • Weekly emails full of exclusive trainer-tips. This is the REAL RESULTS challenge and we’ll help you get real too, with no-holds-barred advice we’ve honed over our years training real women like you!
  • Oh and PS! Check Facebook every Friday for FREE giveaways from our challenge sponsor SPRI, maker of home fitness equipment.

So what are you waiting for? Click below to join the challenge!

This challenge is no walk in the park—while people of all fitness levels can do it, it’s going to…

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